I have brothers

Chapter Twenty-Eight

*Belinda’s POV*

“Okay, umm, before we go in I just want to fill you in, Your about to meet your mom and dad, my - - our dad is in a coma but mom’s up and we just informed her about you. Alright, so are you ready?” Gerard was looking at me like as if I was walking into my first interview at the rolling stone or something of that shenanigan. He was scarred, I was about to shit my pants - -too late. He put his hand on my back and lead me into the room, a woman on the bed was seen with Mikey sitting on the side of the bed talking to her.

They both looked up and saw me, I stood behind Gerard blocking myself from her view but he moved aside and gently pushed me closer to Mrs. Way? Mom? I don’t know. Mikey got off the bed and came to my side.

“Mom, this is Belinda.” He smiled and she smiled as well, I wasn’t really sure what to make of this moment, do I laugh? Do I cry? Chuck a hissy fit? Or ask her why. Why about everything, did she really hate me that much? What did I do to deserve such hate?

“Hi honey.” She said extending her arms, but who was she fooling after 15 years of knowing about me and not coming to get me does she honestly think I’m going to give her a hug? Well should I? Would I look bad, would I hurt her feelings or something? I stood there not doing anything. I might as well be a potato, probably would have had more emotion than myself. Her arms lowered as a look of hurt wiped over her face and took over the ambiance of the room.

“I’m sorry,” She was talking but nothing would come out of me. “Really sorry, but there’s always room to forgive and forget, now you’re here we can resolve this you know hon.” Mikey grabbed my arm, not really sure what for but hopefully he would drag me out of the room!

“She’s a little shy.” He said pulling me towards her,

“Did you give me away?” I didn’t say it mean or in a sarcastic, devilish tone, I just said it stating my case, I wanted to hear it from her.

“I - - You have lovely eyes you look just like your brothers!”

“Does that mean yes?” Awkward and rude! Belinda needs to go to lady school, or decent human being school. She was shocked I think at my bluntness. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Belinda…” Gerard placed his hand on my shoulder but than soon was changed when I moved away.

“I’m sorry honey, but if you knew the circumstances… I didn’t want to I really didn’t - -”

“But you did.” Now your thinking, what a bitch, but my tone sounds like I’m scarred which I am, I felt like jumping into Mikey’s arm and just tell him to take me away…

“Listen here. We couldn’t afford you. I couldn’t take care of you.”

“Mom, Belinda, take it easy.” Mikey chimed in.

“Why didn’t you ever tell Mikey or Gerard about me?”


“Because isn’t an answer.” Search that thick head of yours Belinda for that little thing called common courtesy or respect for your elders… in this case parents, we might nee to dig deep here.

“Because I didn’t want to be reminded of you, I didn’t want you in my life after getting rid of you, I’m sorry but I couldn’t of had the same love for you if I got you back after some years when we were better off with money. And I’m sorry because I was young and stupid, I would of done everything different, we can still be mother and daughter, we can still have love.”

“You wouldn’t of been able to love me?” Okay, that hurt.

“Well of course I could of loved you but I had Gerard and Michael since they we’re born I nurtured them.”

“I understand.”

“Oh thank god you do.”

“I understand perfectly I was just a thing, a circumstance, an issue that couldn’t be resolved, I understand perfectly clear. In fact it’s crystal clear.’

“It wasn’t my fault!”

“Mom, stop it, please.” Gerard said stepping in front of me and her to break up the fight.

“No Gerard, No.” She screamed at him. I got nervous I started to breath heavier and heavier losing my breath. Oh no please don’t make this happen again. Please no!

*Mikey’s POV*

“Mom, stop it, please.” Gerard said stepping in front of Belinda, maybe in hopes of breaking up the ‘love fest’

“No Gerard, No.” She screamed at him. I had never heard my mother scream at Gerard, well I have but it was usually telling us to clean our rooms or come down for dinner. Never like this. I looked over to Belinda, It looked like she was about to shatter into a thousand pieces, she started to breath heavily, and faster, she clutched onto her chest and started wobbling from side to side.

“I’ve just been through a car crash, Gerard! Don’t give me this!” Mum was yelling at him.

“Gerard.” I said.

“You know mom! Your not the only one with a problem, people have died in here, your still alive!” Belinda ran out of the door into the corridor, I ran after her, she was running from side to side, past the others and out to where the car was, I slipped and fell on top my front looking at where Belinda was, she slowed down and then came to a stop, I got up and Felt someone shoot pass me and Grab her just as she fell. I ran up to Belinda and saw Bob holding her in between his arms.

“Belinda!” I knelt down beside him and put my hand gently on her cheek. I looked up at Bob who had his eyes fixed on me.

“What happened?” He whispered.

“Mom happened.” He looked back down at her and then behind me and saw Frank and Gerard followed by Ray and all the Girls. “I think it’s time to go home.”

“Yeah, home, Let’s go.”

“What about mom, Gee?” He looked down at his feet and then held out his hand for me. I got off the floor and followed him to mom’s room. I opened the door and we both walked in, she wasn’t looking at us.

“Mom,” She didn’t even budge. “Mom I’m sorry,” She ignored us. “Please look at me.” She looked up , her eyes full of tear, red and puffy from the crying she had been doing. We both gave her a hug.

“Mom, I’m sorry it’s just that… Belinda can’t contain herself very well.”

“Maybe she needs help.” She said flatly.

“No mom she doesn’t need help - -”

“Maybe.” Gerard interrupted me. “Mikey maybe you should take Belinda home and I’ll stay with mom and dad.”

“Well if you stay I want to go stay with you, I don’t want to leave you alone.” But then what about Belinda. I mean she has Bob and Frank and Ray and all the girls. “I’ll be back.” I went outside and saw Frank in the car with Belinda resting on top of him. He was passing his hand through her hair, looking like a real brother, but I have to stay for mom and dad.

“I have to stay.”

*Frank’s POV*

We arrived at Gerard and Mikey’s house, it was only Bob, Belinda and I in the car. This was the Second time I think this has happened.

“Keep her warm.” Bob said from the front of the car pulling into the driveway. Bob stopped the car and waited until the girls and Ray arrived, he got out of the car and started talking to them, Ray and Bob shook hands after a while and all the girls and Ray left again, I saw Jamia wave to me from the back seat. “Ray’s taking them home and might be staying the night at Krista’s if we don’t need him,” He looked down at Belinda. “Alright, let’s go.”

Carrying a human being should be harder, but she was surprisingly light, which was good for me, I took her up to her room and laid her down on her bed, Bob taking her shoes off and then both of us sitting on the floor in her bedroom just in case she woke up. The light’s were off and we were in complete silence.

“She’s got problems.” Bob said staring straight forward.

“I know.”

“You do?” He sounded surprised.

“Yeah I saw it when… well on the second day she was here.” Now Bob’s found out she’s been cutting it’s official. Stamp it, seal it, sign it it’s official. “So you saw the cuts?’

“What cuts?”

“The cuts… her ‘problem’ you know.”

“She cuts?” He hissed at me, I knew it was dark but I knew that face… it wasn’t pretty.

“I thought you knew!”

“No! I never knew she cut! Are there a lot of them?”

“Well yeah her whole arm.”

“Anywhere else?”

“I don’t know I didn’t check - -wait… if we both know the problem but you didn’t know she cuts… what’s the problem other that self inflicting damage?” I sounded smart.

“Well it’s also ‘self inflicting.’ Dude, she’s anorexic.”

“Anorexic? As in skin and bones anorexic?”


“Did she tell you?”


“Then how’d you find out?” He looked away from me and then I realised… his sister had it, took the whole family through a rough patch. Bob was the one having to keep the family tight, having to keep them all sane, he was literally the glue in the family. “Oh I’m sorry man.”

“Don’t worry.” He doesn’t really like to talk about it. Then again I would like to talk about it either if that was one of my family members or friend, and I was the shoulder that everyone had to rely on. “Do Mikey and Gerard know about the?”

“No. Do they know about the ano- -”

“No.” We sat in silence. Not even the crickets outside were making noise. I looked over and saw Belinda’s tiny frame move slightly up and down as she breathed in and out. “I don’t want her going through this.”

“Neither do I.”

“I don’t want Gerard and Mikey not knowing, their her family they deserve to know.”

“I promised her I wouldn’t tell, and I can’t exactly do anything to help her, she’s refused.”

“I don’t care, I’ll tell Gerard and Mikey when they get back. The sooner they know the sooner they can… we can all help get everything better.” He spoke like a true brother, like the father figure I’ve always known he was to be. I heard the phone ring. At this time in the morning? I got up and grabbed the cordless and answered it.

“Is she alright?”
“Yeah, she’s in bed. Um who is this?”
“Oh hey man, how are you?”
“I’m good thanks yourself?”
“As good as can be expected.”
“Look, I know it’s nearly 2 am but do you mind If I come over? Gerard gave me a call and told me what happened. I’ll sleep in the bathtub the garbage anything… I just want to be with her.”
“Yeah, sure come over, Bob and I are still awake.”
“Alright, thank you so much, I’ll be over a.s.a.p.” He hung up the phone. I walked back over to Bob and told him about Jason, It’s nice to know there are still true friends out there. They might not be many but they are still alive.

*Belinda’s POV*

“Mikey! Gerard!” I was running down the hospital corridor but everything was all white and all the corridors looked the same. I kept on running and running but it was like a never ending run. “Mikey! Gerard! Please!” As I turned the corner I saw a woman and a man standing there dressed all in white, the only thing that stood out was her brunette hair tied all in a neat bun and his sandy blonde hair combed to the side. I ran up to them yelling but it was as if they couldn’t hear me.

“Please! I need to find my brothers!”

“Can you hear that?” That woman said looking around, she looked straight through me and then turned back to the attention of the doctor or male nurse.

“It was nothing.” He smiled to her and passed his hand over her cheek, she looked down towards the floor and then man looked straight into my eyes, his beautiful shaped eyes were black, you wouldn’t be able to tell if he only had an iris. He had a crooked smiled and pulled out a massive knife from behind his back.

“No! Run! He’s going to kill you!” She looked up and around, like if she could only hear my piercing scream as a silent whisper from 20 miles away. “Run! He’s going to Kill you!” He kissed her lips softly and then swung the knife across her neck sending her to the floor and painting the once white wall now with a design of splattered blood. I ran for it opening a door, it was a dead end. I had no other choice but to go back, but when I opened the door it was dark and no longer white, it looked like a sewage tunnel. I ran down the tunnel and opened up the closets door and Found the white room with Gerard, Mikey and their - - our parents.

“Their gone, Gerard.. Th-their gone!” Mikey cried into Gerard’s shoulder, I went to go hug them but I fell to the floor, I was in a straight jacket and had chains around my feet, no this couldn’t be happening, the door swung open and hit me in the back.

“I’m so sorry for your loss.” It was him!

“Gerard! Mikey! Run! Shit! Please! Mikey!” he moved swiftly over to Gerard and pulled out the knife before anything I could take action, he stabbed it right into Gerard’s back. “GERARD!” He fell to the floor right in front of me blood coming out from his mouth, he leaned over Gerard and Pushed in the knife with his foot, making My big brother send out a cry for help with tears. As he reached down to me he lifted the knife and - -
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey Guys.

Losing confidence in this story, not really wanting to continue. Um I might be starting another story. It was a tie betwenn MCR and Green Day, but i decided to do Green Day. Hopefully Should be up soon, and sorry for the delay, like I said, not too much confidence. Alright well if I get good feed back I'll get a fast update.

Lots of Love,