I have brothers

Chapter Three

As I went to open up the door I got a running start so when I saw Jason I could get a good jump. I opened the door and leapt into the air as he thankfully caught me in mid air. I hugged him so tight and I could feel him hug me straight back just as hard. He put me down as he smiled and squished my cheeks.

“Go on get your bags!”

“Already got them” I reached inside and grabbed my bag and shut the door behind me.

We started to walk out of my neighbour hood and made our way to what looked like a pricy suburb, all the houses looked picture perfect, the grass looked like it was measured and cut blade by blade so every garden looked identical, it was weird when you looked at it. All the young kids were weird, well weird to me. Boys were wearing pink polo shirts and white shorts with Dunlop tennis shoes that were blue around the trim, girls were wearing white mini skirts with pink stripped or checker vest with pink trimmed Dunlop’s. Oh so different to the black skinny jeans and tees with rude words and bands scribbled all over the place and of course who could forget the converse?

We reached this massive white house with perfectly green grass and hedges cut into squares and circle and triangles and octagons and who knows how many other shapes. We walked up the path way and went inside.

“You’ve come at the perfect time I just redone my room up” He smirked.

First entering a very long white hallway with weird paintings of people I saw a bit of Picasso, a bit of Matisse, but other than that odd pieces of paintings. Then finally of what seemed for ever we came to a large spacious room with everything white, I mean everything, floor, carpets, lounges, fridge, table you name it, everything white… including their dog named ‘White’. Original. We got out from there and went up the stairs and yet again to see, surprise surprise, more white! Then we came to the 765th door that looked the same as the ones we had passed before, but when he opened it was honestly the best room in the house.

The walls were black and red with posters everywhere, a computer with a wide flat screen it was a beauty, then he had a whole wardrobe and a massive stereo! He had a large queen sized bed with the fanciest radio clock thingy.

“I’ll be back needa piss” He left the room.

I sat on his bed his room was the best room I’ve ever seen, it’s know my dream room to have. I wish I had it anyway, I looked from wall to wall to see hundreds of posters everywhere from My Chemical Romance to Green Day to The Ramones and even Queen to ACDC. Once again I love this room, I kept looking when I spotted a picture frame on his side table and it was a picture of him and I. I missed those days so much. I picked up the frame and stared into it, I missed having him around, I miss not having my best friend with me day and night, I miss him in my room to be able to talk and make jokes and tell my secrets and share my pain, I miss him full stop and I wish that he could come back. I really do, I sat there gazed by the photo, it was him in the front and then me behind him with my arms wrapped around him. I had my curly hair all over the place and I remember that day so clearly. The good old days.

“What you looking at?” Jason stepped through the door.

“Uh you know, nothing” I put the frame back on his night table, I didn’t want him to think I was miserable without him, then he would be miserable and would be sad half the time he was alone, or every time he thought of me. He sat on the bed right next to me the bed flooded over to his side as I squashed into him, he reached over from the frame and put his arm around my shoulder.

“I miss those days” He said in basically a whisper.

“Me too” I laid my head down onto his shoulder and he put his head on mine.

A/N - sorry for the lack of excitment but next chapeter will be the last one and then the juicy stuff happens. Thank you. Comments appreciated.