I have brothers

Chapter Five

I woke up in the morning it was a miserable day, rain and dark clouds, I was wearing a pair of Jason’s Boxer’s that I stole and declared them my own with my over sized black ‘Green Day’ Tee. I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen I walked over to the cupboard and grabbed myself some cereal, I poured milk and shoved a massive spoon full into my mouth, I turned around and saw Ms. Queen with a man in a suit.

“Belinda would you care to join us?… or swallow?” Ms. Queen said

“Yeah.” I said with my half chewed food in my mouth, I sat down at the table looking at the man.

“So I should just get all the papers and your signature as her guardian and we’ll be off”

“Wait, what papers?” I was confused. What was this man on about?

“Well we are getting your guardian, Ms. Josephine Queen to sign these ‘papers’ so you can go with your family.” He repeated.

“I’m getting adopted?”

“No your going to your biological family.”

“My biological family?” I turned to Ms. Queen “ You told me my biological family died in a car crash!”

"No Miss Way, quite the opposite, they are a crash but a good crash.”

“Miss Way?” I said still clutching onto my bowl.

“Your families name Miss!” He said as though I should have known.

“Did you know about this?” I turned to Miss Queen.

“Of course I did!”

“You LIED to me?”

“And, so what.”

“You kept from me that I had a real Family!?” I practically yelled.

“Oh Shut up! They never wanted you!” She blurted out.

I stood there in silence, I was shocked. I mean I usually don’t let things like that get to me, but maybe it’s true, maybe they never wanted me I mean they gave me up.

“And I don’t want you either!” She said sternly.

I looked over to the man in the suit, he looked sufficiently uncomfortable at the conversation we were having, Ms. Queen signed the papers and left in a huff shouting

“Take her away! Better for me! No one wants you Belinda, you hear me NO ONE!”

The man gathered the papers and there was a silence among the room, none of the kids were up so it was just me and the man. He broke the silence by collecting the papers and started to talk.

“So if you can have your bags packed, you’ll be meeting them tomorrow night” he stopped and an awkward silence appeared again. “I can assure you that they want you, they love you.”

“Thanks.” not that it was much help to me but I could see that he was feeling sympathetic towards my situation, he seemed genuine.

“My name is Robert Holt, I’ll be picking you up tomorrow ok sweetie?”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Ok well goodbye until tomorrow!”

I got up and led him to the front door, I opened it up for him and then shut it after he left, I watched him from the window as he opened his umbrella and then walked over to his flashy car and drive away down the long, dark and winding road. I ran to the phone I had to call Jason but I couldn’t remember his phone number. 555 0908? 555 0712? 555 0328? I ran to my room and started turning everything upside down until I found his letter I dialled.
5 - 5 - 5 - 0 - 4 - 2 - 9

“Jason… I - I -”
“Belinda? What’s wrong?”