I have brothers

Chapter Nine

*Gerard’s P.O.V*

That girl on the couch is my little sister, my only little anything was Mikey, the little brother and now I find I have a sister. I sat there looking at her, she looked like me and Mikey except for the blue eyes. Her and Mikey were talking she seemed nervous or something.

“Gerard hello?” Frank said waving his hands in my face

“Oh sorry man.” I was totally spacing, He looked behind him and looked at her.

“She’s young.”

“I know, she can’t be more than 16.”

“I though she was going to be all over you guys man, I mean thousands of girls would kill to have you and Mikey as brothers! Like teenies or something I mean everyone thinks your hot and she doesn’t really have a care in the world!”

“I know, it’s weird not having to tell some kid to back away or have to say I got to go the bathroom every 2 minutes so I can get away from them.”

“She’s a special one, I mean she didn’t even squeal when I gave her a hug!”

He was so surprised that a girl didn’t scream or shout at the sight of him, it honestly looked like she didn’t even like us or anything. She was a thin as a stick but has no sign of smiles yet. I went over to her, she was talking to Mikey, well Mikey was talking and she was staring at her feet. She went to put her drink on the ground and then stretches to scratch the back of her head. She looked up at me.

“Hi.” I said, ugh how lame can I get!

“Hey Gerard maybe it’s time to go home now ey?” Mikey said

“Uh yeah sure ok…”

Everyone got their stuff and started to head out the door, I walked at the back, I saw Bob, Ray and Mikey all talking and Frank with my little sister walking and Frank was laughing and I could tell he was trying really hard to get something out of her, but she just stayed neutral.

“Her names Belinda.” Mikey came up to me.

“Oh ok, that’s a pretty name.”

“She’s 14 you know.” He said matter of factual.

“I thought so, she looks young…”

“Can you believe we have a little sister, Big bro?”

“I know now I have a little Bro and Little Sis!”

After about an hour rides in the car we all decided to stay at Mikey and my house as a welcoming gift for Belinda, it was scary that the other guys done a better job than Mikey and myself at getting to know her. It was freezing cold so I went to grab blankets and chucked them in the lounge room. I showed Belinda to her room, which was our spare guest room, she put all her bags and mumbled a thank you. I don’t know why I’m so nervous I mean I am already a big brother, I shouldn’t be freaking out…. Should I? We went back downstairs and they had made coffee. She was sitting down on the floor curled up into a little ball, right next to her was Frank.

*Belinda’s P.O.V*

Gerard’s house was awesome! My bedroom was huge and it had a whole double bed! And it had a massive stereo, I was now in the living room on the floor, I had my knees up the my chest with my chin down on my knees, Frank was next to me. He was very talkative, I wanted Jason to be here, that’s all I wanted, I mean he would be over the moon to see My Chemical Romance his favourite band! I sat there looking at the massive plasma TV screen showing commercials. Everyone was laughing and talking, coffee got passed around.

“Are you allowed to have coffee?” Frank asked.

“Yes” I looked over to him and he passed me a cup of coffee.

“So where you from?” He asked taking a massive gulp of coffee.

“I was born in Australia and when I was 7 I got brought to The USA”

“That is so cool! I was wondering why you had a little bit of a weird accent”

OK yeah so they are nice but, I just don’t feel comfortable around them, they are 25 - 30 year old men who happen to be rock stars and I’m 14, just 14. I smiled politely and took another sip of my coffee, it was freezing cold! Mikey sat on the couch on top of Frank.

“Movie, Movie!” Frank yelled bopping up and down.

“Can I use the phone?” I asked

“What?” Mikey leant down closer to hear me

“The phone?”

“Oh yeah of course just over there.” He had a sweet smile, I walked over to the phone I took out a piece of paper with his phone number, I dialled Jason’s number. RING RING RING RING Nothing no one answered, he was probably at the family arrangements. I waited and waited until it came to the voice mail I hung up. I wanted to know why they never wanted me they seem like they knew nothing of me but maybe their just really good at acting. I sound like a bitch. I walked back into the room.

“Hey come sit here!” Bob and Ray said pointing to a spot in between them.

“No! Sit here with me! Because I’m your favourite!!” frank shouted.

Gerard got up and came over to me.

“So… I’m - “

“Why did you give me up?”

He stopped dead in his track, mouth wide open staring at me.