Status: One seriously depressing Hiatus. [That took me nearly a year to admit to].

All It Is, Is Just A Name

Chpt. 1 Grey's P.O.V.

“No! Mom, please. They’ll be here any minute we have to leave!” I tried to plead with her but she wouldn’t listen.

I knew as well as she did what would happen. It was the end of the month and we didn’t have the money again. My bastard father already ‘paid the price’ with his life but that wasn’t enough. They wanted us to pay back his debt. Which would be impossible Mom hardly made twelve-hundred a month, and I can only mow so many lawns.

Trying to raise two children on a waitresses salary is why there is a place called The Food Bank. We were on the verge of being evicted this month and couldn’t come up with the three-hundred dollar payment. I‘ve already witnessed the consequences first hand, pay with cash or pay with your life.

“Grey. Take your sister, I’ll meet up with you when I’ve handled this. You know where to go.” Her tone said please don’t argue with me.

So even though I wanted to shake some sense into her I simply kissed her cheek and said, “Alright ma, I love you. See you later alligator.”

“I love you too my little one. In a while crocodile. ” That was how we always said goodbye, and she still called me little one even though I’m almost fifteen.

I glanced at the clock,7:54 p.m., they should be hear in six minutes. As fast as I could I ran to the bedroom, picked up Sierra and rushed out of the apartment. With her small four year-old body wrapped around me it was easy to use the fire escape at the end of the hall. I told Sierra to hold on tight and I scaled down the ladder. Once my feet touched the ground I started to jog down the back alleyways.

After a few minutes of jogging I reached a patch of trees with a dirt road cutting through it. This path would lead me to Skye’s backyard. I slid Sierra off of my back and took her hand before we headed into the familiar “forest”.

“Grey? Is we going to Kaikai’s house?”

I smiled at her nickname for Skye, “Yeah Sierra we’re going to Kaikai’s house. And when we get there you can play with Bert.”

“Really!?” she asked.

Nodding I said, “Really.”

“But… what ‘bout mommy?” For only being in pre-school she was fairly intuitive.

Even though I knew the chance of it being true were less than 50/50 I said, “She’ll meet us there later.”

With her small hand clasped in mine we made our way to my favorite place. The old picket fence squeaked as I pushed it open. As expected Skye was sitting on the porch swing with Bert curled up in his lap.

“Berty!” Sierra squealed and ran up the steps gingerly picking up the black husky pup. Skye didn’t mind, just smiled as he watched them start playing in the yard.

As soon as I stepped onto the porch I was pulled into a tight hug. Which I returned with equal force.

“Sierra were going inside, play nice with Bert!” Skye called before grabbing my hand and leading us inside.

Once we were in his room the questions started, “Are you okay? Where’s your Mom? What happened? And what’s going to happen now?” His concerned expression warmed me. He cared for me as much as I cared for him.

Sighing I flopped down onto his purple bedspread. “I’m fine. Mom’s still at the apartment, she made me take Sierra and leave and now…I don’t know, I really don’t Skye.”

I felt his weight shift the mattress and his fingers lace with mine. “Come to me GreyDawn.” That was his name for me, just like only me and his dad could call him Skye. I was his GreyDawn and he was my Skye. Inching over to him I wrapped my arms around his lithe frame laying my head on his chest. A small smile graced my lips as he held me to him. We were swept up into a different world, our own dimension, a place for only him and I. His steady heart beat calmed my frantic one. His fingers dancing through my hair soothed my soul. I don’t know how long we stayed like that but I can tell you it was the best time I’d ever spent with anyone. I wish it could have lasted longer or that we could return to that world whenever we wanted but reality inevitably caught up to us.

The sound of someone knocking on the door was what sent us back to the real world. A feeling of dread spread through me like wildfire. And when Skye opened the door to reveal several men in uniform I felt myself start to shake. We’d talked about what would happen given certain scenarios and this was by far my least favorite choice. The next hour was a blur. Rushing people, relentless questions, emotions, tears, plans… It was all happening so fast.