Status: One seriously depressing Hiatus. [That took me nearly a year to admit to].

All It Is, Is Just A Name

Chpt. 10 Skye's P.O.V.

Skye’s P.O.V.
A Letter From A Thief

XxX 2:52 In Front of S.H.S. XxX

The last bell had just rung and like we’d agreed at lunch we all met up in the court yard after school.
Paisley and Daisy spotted me standing by the school entrance and brought me over to a parked red and black ‘57 Chevy where the rest of the group was gathered. Marissa and Valen were chatting animatedly about this book they were reading in Novels class. Mike was leaning against the car and continuously flipping a switchblade in the air, catching it by the pommel every time. Scary. I was enjoying simply standing with them in the enjoyable friendly atmosphere. But then I remembered I had soccer practice today. Telling them this I got a frown from Marissa, who I dubbed Missy in 5th period (it’s a long story).

“Aw but we were all gonna go see Saw IV together.” Pouted Missy.

Valen made a puzzled face and said, “Your on the soccer team? I never would’ve guessed it.”

I simply laughed and was secretly glad I had soccer practice today. Sure, I’d like to spend more time getting to know my new buds but I hate the saw movies. I love horror films but those are just … eww.
After we’d said our goodbyes I headed down to the locker room. While I was changing I couldn’t help but think Today was the best day in my entire high school career. I reached my goal of finding real friends and I even talked to the guidance counselor about switching from novels into art. Now all that’s left is the whole coming out of the closet process. Well at least I only have to tell my dad….for now. If my new friends stick around sooner or later either I’ll have to tell them or they’ll find out.
Shaking away those thoughts I jogged out to the field with the rest of the guys hoping the fresh air and exercise would clear my head. And thankfully it did. By the time practice was over I was sweating and my muscles ached but my brain had gotten an hour and a half of much needed think-free time.

I felt a hand slap my back and coach say, “Wow North you played hard out there! Bring that to the game next Saturday and we’ll be sure to win.”

And then he called, “Okay ladies pack-it up and get your asses out of here!”

Presently, I am in the living room laying on the floor next to Bert and finishing up some English homework. Then my concentration is broken by the sound of my dad’s ’67 Impala rolling up the drive. Hearing his key turn the lock sparks a serious nicotine craving and I honestly contemplate running out the back door. Running from your problems never solves anything. Stupid conscience.

“I’m home!” When I didn’t answer he called, “ Skye?”

My mouth was suddenly dry so my words came out in a croak, “Ya, in the living room.”

He walked in and sat down in his chair before asking if I minded him turning on the t.v.

“Umm… actually dad -” Just say it Skye! “Can we order take out?”

“Oh! I haven’t fed you yet have I?” Always the concerned parent, I’m glad he didn’t question my slip up. “Sure thing. You okay with Chinese?”

“Ya, sounds good.” I mumbled searching my brain for a suitable way to tell my dad that his son liked men.

I faintly heard talking from the kitchen but couldn’t make out exactly what they were saying.

“Hey, I’ve got something else I need to pick up so I’m going to drive down there. Please feed the dog.”

Then the door closed and the sound of his car pulling out of the drive way filled the silence.

XxX 35 minutes later and 1 English Worksheet Finished XxX

Dad had said that it was something important from a special individual that I hadn’t seen in a long time. I thought it was just going to be a late Christmas present from Aunt Martha, who by the way didn’t get me anything. Cheapskate, I’m her only nephew. Back to the point. When dad handed my an envelope I really did not expect it to be a letter. Especially not a letter from him.
I read and re-read the same ninety-one words written in his elegant scrawl. My hands were trembling and my eyes burned with unshed tears. Shock and disbelief overwhelmed me and my knees decided to took a time out as my mind replayed the second worse day of my life.
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Ehh.... not my best writing :[ I like the next chapter though, still Skye's P.O.V. :]
Got a comment that asked me to update so I decided that I would start posting weekly instead of leaving this on hiatus until I had finished pre-writing all of them.
Thoughts? Wants? Constructive Criticism?
Chpt. title goes to Chevelle and incase you didn't get it theif refers to Grey who stole his... well alot of things :p