Status: One seriously depressing Hiatus. [That took me nearly a year to admit to].

All It Is, Is Just A Name

Chpt. 11 Skye's P.O.V.

Skye’s P.O.V.
Memory Lane

XxX Flash Back July 7th 2007 XxX

I chewed on my lip as I petted Bert’s thick black fur as I tried not to count the minutes until Grey, Sierra and, Dawn were supposed to get here. Not soon enough I heard the gate squeak as two familiar faces stepped out of the miniature forest behind them and into my backyard.
Leaving Bert in his spot I rushed up to Grey throwing my arms around him and hugging him tight. I heard Sierra squeal “Berty!” and run up the steps to the husky pup. Grabbing his hand I pulled him into the house calling over my shoulder I told Sierra to play nice with Bert before tugging Grey up to my room. Dad would keep an eye on See See for us. Once safely behind closed doors I let all of my worries fall out of my mouth in a jumble of questions,

“Are you okay? Where’s your Mom? What happened? And what’s going to happen now?”

Grey sighed and answered in a tired tone, “I’m fine. Mom’s still at the apartment, she made me take Sierra and leave and now…I don’t know, I really don’t Skye.”

When I looked over at him curled up on my bed I couldn’t block out the urge to simply hold him, comfort him, love him. Even though he was my first kiss and we have always been closer than regular best friends neither of us had made any moves to change our relationship into something more. I would wait though. Because what we had now was better than anything I’d had before. Last year when I’d experimented with both boys and girls each and everyone paled in comparison to him. But I still couldn’t bring myself to say what needed to be said, what I’d wanted to say to him for so long.
Somehow I ended up laying down on the bed facing him. My hand automatically reached out and found his, I threaded out fingers together before gently tugging on his arm. His eyes found mine and I noticed the turmoil within him. Softly, as if loud words would break the connection between us I said, “Come to me GreyDawn.”

His rosy lips curved into a small semblance of a smile and he settled himself against me. With our limbs entangled and his head resting on my chest we fell into our own world. A place untainted by the horrible truths of reality. A place for only him and I.

XxX End Flash Back XxX

Thankful that I could cut off the play-by-play of that retched day I found myself sobbing in my fathers arms. After taking several deep breaths I calmed down enough to stammer a sentence,

“Is this really from him? How… I thought I’d- he….”
“Yes, its really true. The house hasn’t been under servalince for over a year. All of them are either dead or behind bars. Apparently they weren’t very important members because none of the other branches seem to be making any moves to avenge them by finishing of Grey’s friends and family.”
As dad continued to explaining the legalities of the situation I tried to process all of it but I… I’m just not sure how I feel. How should I feel? Relieved no one’s out to whack us and Grey’s no longer in danger? Happy I’ll finally get to see him again? Scared that things might be different now? Angry he didn’t call me first instead of dad?

Finally dad made me a cup of hot cocoa and said,

“Get some sleep Skye. We can talk more in the morning.” Then he ruffled my hair and added, “If you don’t feel up to it you can skip your eight hours of tax funded education.”

I tried my best to give him a convincing smile as he headed out of my room. Alone with only my thoughts and Bert to keep me company I sipped my hot cocoa while trying not to break down again. Eventually I took a shower and finished my math homework, then folded clothes that I’d washed the other day. Anything to keep my mind off ofhim the situation. By midnight I’d run out of mindless things to do and crawled into bed.

As I switched of my lamp I asked Bert, “What do you think I should do?”

He simply hopped onto the bed and curled up by my feet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Thursday my lovely readers!
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I hope you enjoyed :]