Status: One seriously depressing Hiatus. [That took me nearly a year to admit to].

All It Is, Is Just A Name

Chpt. 12 Grey's P.O.V./Skye's P.O.V.

Grey’s P.O.V.

XxX Thursday April 4th XxX

“Hello?” My voice was hoarse seeing as it was my cell phone ringing that had me rubbing sleep from my eyes.

“Hey Grey-” The sound of Cariselle’s voice snapped my brain into focus and I cut him off by asking,

“How did he take it? Does he-” Before I could get the rest of my inquiries out of my mouth Elle said,

“He’s fine just a little shook up.” Sighing with relief I took a glance at the clock 12:08a.m. Thur. 4/4, “Don’t worry too much Grey. The fact that he cried must mean he cares a lot.”

“He cried?!” I know its not really my fault but God I feel like such a dick.

I heard Cariselle take a sip of something before saying, “Skye had been trying to forget- his whole past life, and sadly you included- just this week he stopped pretending to be someone he’s not and started acting like himself. What would you expect him to do?…He’ll call. Just…promise me you’ll give him time.”

“I’ve waited this long Elle I’m not walking out now…Could you uh,…could you tell him that? Tell him I’ll be waiting.”

I could feel my eyes sting with unshed tears and I knew my voice was choked up. I don’t know where it came from maybe it was that I was finally grasping the full weight of the situation.

“I will. This will work itself out Grey.”

Then we said our quick goodbyes and hung up. Hoping to at get at least eight more hours of sleep I curled up in the blankets and shut my eyes.

XxX 12:32 p.m. Blue Room’s Private Bathroom XxX

After a full meal of Belgian waffles and fruit I got into the shower. As the hot spray relaxed my tense muscles I thought over the events of yesterday. True to his word Cariselle was there in a couple of minutes. We didn’t have much time to catch up seeing as he had told Skye that he was going to pick up the Chinese food he'd ordered. But we did get to exchange one of those ‘man-hugs’ and chat a bit about what had happened since the last time we saw each other. I wasn’t sure whether or not I should be shocked when I found out that Skye had been living two separate half-lives this whole time. Elle had explained in brief how he’d saved up money while mowing lawns that dreadful summer then went out and bought himself a stereotypical personality which he plays the part of when he’s out in public. But I was relieved to hear he’d recently started “acting like his old-self.” in the words of Cariselle.

I finished up my shower and turned off the water before getting dressed Now that the hard part is over all I have to do is bide my time. Wait, what kind of selfish remark is that? I can't just put all of the pressure on Skye.... maybe I should have said that I would be somewhere everyday at a certain time. That way we could just meet face to face without an awkward phone conversation or having Elle play the messenger-boy. If he doesn't call tomorrow I'll send another letter.

Then it hit me. I have to go there. Grabbing my car keys, cell phone and i-pod I left the hotel before I lost my nerve. As I drove down the quiet streets I looked without seeing only my destination seemed to matter. I found a parking spot near the mouth of an alley way before taking Cloud out of the backseat and slipping her hard-cover case over my shoulder. Trying not to look at the old apartment complex that stood just a few feet behind me I headed down the deserted path. A few minutes later I was at the foot trail that led to Skye's house. Taking a deep breath I headed into the forest

Skye’s P.O.V.
Just Like In My Dreams

I ended up going to school and surprisingly it was just the thing I needed. I couldn’t stand the idea of being alone with my thoughts for a whole day I needed an escape and eight hours of normalcy sounded like bliss. Being able to see my new friends, coincidently I had at least one in each of my classes, was an actually enjoyable affair. Before when I had to listen to those blockheads and bimbos drone on and on about shit that was so shallow rain couldn’t pool in it was almost unbearable. But now it was fun we’d pass notes, make jokes about the teachers and steal each others food at lunch. It was kinda like grade school and everyone knows those are the best school years.

But like all good distractions they have to come to an end. Since I didn’t have soccer practice as an excuse I thought it would be hard to deny the invitation to hang out. You’d think I’d jump at the chance but I doubt I could go another hour without crying, smoking a cigarette or three and drawing something sad. Though I soon found out that I had been found out.

“We know something’s up Skye.” It was Daisy, the twins had met up with me at the school entrance again and again the whole group was loitering around the ‘57 Chevy which actually belongs to the twins themselves. “But we’re new friends still so we won’t pry.” added Paisley.

Marissa sighed and said, “Don’t think you’ll get off that easy though. I expect at least a vague reason as to why you looked like a kicked puppy every time you thought no one was looking. In case you haven’t noticed you are now apart of our group meaning that you are our puppy. So tell me, who kicked my puppy? I’ll sick Mikey on ‘em!”

I couldn’t help but chuckle and then because of the serious look on her face I couldn’t help but answer her in truth, “An old friend of mine is in town. An old friend from my old life when I was me the Skye you guys are now getting to know….he and I …”

Then I got yet another unexpected and slightly unnerving surprise. Mike was hugging me and what was even more so astonishing I returned the friendly gesture even though his wrist spikes were digging into my back. After a round of hugs from Valen, Missy, Daisy and Paisley they let me go but not without making me promise to give them the details later on.

As soon as I got in my car and started heading down the street I lit up a smoke and turned on the Black Veil Brides. Before I new it I was at home. Stubbing out the cigarette I sprayed on some of the playboy cologne from the glove box and grabbed my backpack. Determined to study for my chemistry test on Monday, that was the only homework I had, I spread out my books on the bed and flopped down. That plan lasted all of five minutes before I was outside and on my way down a familiar path.

The Sun cast gentle shadows under the canopy of trees, it was a peaceful sight. I continued down the trail without much thought in my head except how familiar this was to the dream I had had. When I came into view of the falling sakura in every shade of pink, the limbs of the tree created a multihued lattice as they crossed with the evergreens. Then I saw it or rather him sitting on the bench beneath the cherry tree. A guitar was in his hands and the closer I got the louder the sweet melody was. With a relaxed sigh I thought this is a dream. I’ve fallen asleep on my bed and because I was so rudely awakened the last time I dreamt this I am simply dreaming it again. Letting my legs carry me over to the bench but instead of sitting down I stood in front of him and only then did theboy man look up. Those eyes, those unmistakable, unforgettable silver-grey orbs. I was lost in them. Such a vivid dream…. Then I shut my eyes trying to remember the poem I once wrote about them

A storm behind your eyes
Waning moon
The silver light within those orbs
I am lost in them
What is wrong?
Where is good?
They blur the black and white
Lines of my morals
I am lost in them
Like I’m neither here
Nor there
As if there is no
Only calm contented bliss.

A smooth familiar voice broke me from my reverie, it was deeper than I remembered but just as nice to hear,

“Skye…Skye baby won’t you open your eyes for me…”

I opened my eyes revealing the sky blue discs behind them. I smiled, this is such a nice dream.

“Love your not dreaming…Its really me, Grey. Your Grey for that matter.”

Did I say that out loud?

“Yes you did.” He said smiling down at me. That’s when I noticed that I really wasn’t dreaming. This face belonged to him, smooth naturally tanned skin, straight nose, arching eyebrows, waving coal black hair, so similar to the one I knew those years ago but so different as well.

While I was still in a half dreaming haze I watched him set down Cloud. He stood up and moved to stand so that we were toe to toe. His checkered vans and my classic converse. I looked up and met a sight I had only seen one other time. Tears slowly fell from those eyes of his. I had to touch him. To console him the way I had never gotten to before.

Lifting my right hand I brushed away the tears with my finger tips then left my palm resting on his cheek as I said, “My beautiful Grey Dawn.” I felt his fingers entwine with my free hand and before I knew it was happening I was pressed flush against him. The feeling of his warmth and simply knowing it was him freed any inhibitions I previously had. I moved my hand to the back of his neck and still smiling softly pressed our lips together. I loved it. All of it. From the way his eyes flashed with a mixture of surprise, relief and content right before his eyelids fluttered closed to the fact that it felt even better than the first time.

And there we stood in each others arms simply kissing beneath the old cherry tree.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the longest chapter I have wrote; 1860 words ^-^
Comments kudasai! [please in Japanese]
Not 100% my best writing but I liked it :]
I love hearing your thoughts, constructive criticism for improvement is always welcome as well
I hope you enjoyed this :)