Status: One seriously depressing Hiatus. [That took me nearly a year to admit to].

All It Is, Is Just A Name

Chpt. 14 Grey's P.O.V./Skye's P.O.V.

Grey’s P.O.V.
Not A Dream

XxX 1:00 pm Thursday April 4th XxX

Then it hit me. I have to go there. Grabbing my car keys, cell phone and i-pod I left the hotel before I lost my nerve. As I drove down the quiet streets I looked without seeing only my destination seemed to matter. I found a parking spot near the mouth of an alley way before taking Cloud out of the backseat and slipping her hard-cover case over my shoulder. Trying not to look at the old apartment complex that stood just a few feet behind me I headed down the deserted path. A few minutes later I was at the foot trail that led to Skye's house. Taking a deep breath I headed into the forest

Once I reached the shoulder height white picket fence I flipped open the lock and walked, as stealthily as I could, through Skye’s backyard. I felt a bit like a criminal but ignored the thought and continued to ‘stealth’ across the yard. When I reached the old tool shed I slipped behind it and there it was. The path that led to the cherry tree. A smiled found its place on my lips as the familiar imagery filled my vision.

I haven’t been surrounded by evergreens since before my mother’s death. God, how I missed it. The air smelled so…fresh compared with the smog I’d been breathing for the last few years. And all of the living things around me, the air seemed to hum with energy and simply life. Then it came into my view. Such a beautiful sight. Sakura fell softly from the branches like raindrops only in hues covering the entire spectrum from rose red to white. All that pink against the backdrop of evergreens was a stunning picture.

After a few moments of merely staring I moved forward and sat on the sturdy polished hardwood bench. Another thought hit me. The reason I’d brought Cloud was so that I could play and play I did. A few minutes of tuning then my fingers were becoming reacquainted with the fret board. Before I knew it a familiar melody floated through the air. So nostalgic but I couldn’t seem to remember the words….

I was so focused on the song that I barely noticed another persons presence until I say a pair of original Chuck Taylor’s planted in front of me. I looked up to meet the face that I had been waiting to see. The reason why I had come here was in hopes that he would too. My chest seems to constrict as I take in his beauty. Sure, like the creep I am, I’d seen his myspace pictures and watched as he grew from an adolescent into a young man. Yet this was so much better than any photo.

His honeyed silken brown hair fell to a bit below his ears, a light fringe shielding part of his left eye from view. His complexion flawless and pale, thin dark eyebrows that make the piercing sky blue hue of his eyes stand out even more, that same cute nose the perfect size for his face above a soft mouth colored a gentle pink.

Then his eyes close hiding the gorgeous orbs from me. They stay closed and I speak for the first time,

“Skye…Skye baby won’t you open your eyes for me…”

His eyes pop open revealing them to me again and then to my surprise I hear him say the words, “This is such a nice dream.” his voice has lost its childish tone, deepened a little but still just as quiet as always.

Smiling slightly to myself over the fact that he thinks this is a dream I reply,
“Love your not dreaming…its really me, Grey. Your Grey for that matter.”

“Did I say that out loud?”

“Yes you did.” I answer smiling up at him.

Setting down Cloud I stand up moving so that we’re standing toe to toe. I’m shocked to see a tear fall landing on a petal between our feet. Glancing up I realize its my tear and not Skye’s. Then more fall sliding down my cheeks slowly. I watch as one of his hands reaches up, wiping away my tears with his fingertips before resting his palm against my cheek. I lean into his touch as he whispers, “My beautiful Grey Dawn.”

My fingers entwine with his free hand as my other arm pulls him into me. I almost sigh in content at the feel of his warm body flush against mine. His hand moves from my cheek to the back of my neck three emotions flash through me, surprise, relief and content as I realize what is happening. He smiles as he presses our lips together and my eyes flutter shut. We melt together, simply sharing sweet kisses and body heat.

Skye’s P.O.V.

XxX The North’s Living Room On The Couch XxX

This is it. I can’t back out now, no matter how brilliant the lie I could come up with would fool my father and I don’t know how I could look like such a pussy in front of Grey. Hell, I am a pussy. The silence stretched on for a moment as I attempted to collect my thoughts and possible create an eloquent way to explain to my father my sexual orientation. All I could come up with was “Um…Dad, I like dick.” And seeing as that is most definitely inappropriate and far from ‘easing’ him into the information.

Finally I decided to just wing it and cleared my throat. Grey turned towards me and flashed a comforting smile. Licking my lips in hopes of helping my suddenly dry mouth and began, “I guess I should start at the beginning -”

Dad cut me off by asking, “You didn’t get in trouble did you, son?”

I almost smirked at the way he jumped to such a conclusion. Almost. “Well…that probably depends on your idea of trouble. But its nothing illegal. At least not in this state.”

I paused and sent out one of those 911 prayers, Powers That Be, if you could I’d really, really appreciate it if you could give me the words to say to my father to explain my sexuality and prevent me from losing the only close family member I have left. Please and thank you? With love, Skye

“You know Skye, I’ll love you no matter what you say. A parents love is unconditional.” At these encouraging words I continued,

“I, um, in middle school I was sexually curious,” wince, “and I uh… ‘experimented’” flinch, “ with a lot of things including,” cough, “guys,” cough, “So I guess I’m saying that

There was a moment of extremely tense, as in your could cut the tension with a plastic spork and nothing sharper, complete silence.

Then, “Could you repeat that last part a bit slower?”

By this point my eyes were glued to my converse and I was squeezing my hands together so tightly that my knuckles where as white as printer paper. Somehow I managed to stutter out, “I-it t-turns out th-that your o-only son is a… a homosexual.” My voice squeaked at the end and I swear if I didn’t know better Grey was holding back a snicker.

This time the moment of silence wasn’t nearly as long before my father spoke.

“Oh… Well no biggie I already knew that.” Then he just stood up, turned towards Grey and asked, “So do you want to stay for dinner? Its been quite a while since the last time.” Chuckling slightly after his last sentence.

And that’s when I spontaneously combusted.

Actually, the truth is far more unmanly. I kinda just curled up in the fetal position burying my head in the throw pillows to wallow in embarrassment and slight shame. Embarrassment at the fact that my cheeks are tomato red from my little schpeel and shame because the only way I could imagine my dad finding out that I was gay is through finding my yaoi and other gay porn. I just so happen to recycle the magazines after I’m done with them. But I didn’t get to wallow in self-pity for long because Grey picked me up, tossed me over his shoulder, and then headed towards the stairs.
“Yeah, I’d love to stay for dinner Elle. We’ll be upstairs, I haven’t seen Skye’s room yet.”
♠ ♠ ♠
1461 words :]
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