Status: One seriously depressing Hiatus. [That took me nearly a year to admit to].

All It Is, Is Just A Name

Chpt. 15 Grey's P.O.V./Cariselle's P.O.V./Skye's P.O.V.

Grey's P.O.V.
Pictures of You

I set Skye down on the landing at the top of the stairs and let him lead the way to his room. As soon as he opened his door he flopped down on his bed.

Surveying my surroundings a felt myself smile. Lime green and purple bed set, the same colors as they used to be. There were still band posters covering one wall, though there were now even more posters blanketing the wall than I remembered. On the wall opposite the door Skye’s artwork filled the spaces above his furniture all the way to the ceiling. Shoes were in a tidy line by the closet, souvenirs and knickknacks sat in neat rows on top of his dresser, pencils a sketch book and an open chemistry book were laid out on the desk beneath the window. Everything was in its place. The only things obscuring that were a backpack lying in the middle of the floor and the door to his private bathroom was ajar letting me see the mess left from his morning routine.

“I’m happy to see it hasn’t changed as much as I thought it would.” I really was glad that his room was like the real Skye.

I walked around the room trailing my fingers over familiar items. It was a little eerie the way that there weren’t any pictures on his walls, not of the fake friends Elle had told me he had and none of the pictures of our friends from back then. Drifting over towards the window I glanced down at the desk. I lifted the cover of the sketch book and my body went rigid.

Sketched on the paper was a perfect likeness of me. The me he last saw, still half way between boy and man. It was beautiful but the water marks staining the page made my heart constrict. He'd cried. And again I was the reason.

With a sigh I closed the book and walked over to the bed. For a moment I simply drank in his image. That brown hair laying limp against the black cased pillow beneath his head. Pale lids hiding the green orbs that have seen through my every act since we first met in the third grade. Skye was lying perfectly still on his back on the left side of the bed, his chest rising and falling evenly. How he falls asleep so quickly I'll never know.

I laid down beside him, close enough that we shared a pillow, draping an arm over his stomach. I felt as well as heard Skye let out a contented noise while he snuggled against me, a small smile played at his lips.

I'll let him sleep. I know our next conversation will be just as draining.

As I lay there combing my fingers through his locks, feeling him fall deeper into dream land, I thought. I thought about all the things I wish we'd been together for and how much we had to relearn about each other. It scared me to have to wonder things like, Is his favorite color even still purple?

Cariselle's P.O.V.
My Son

Smiling to myself I watched Grey ascend the stairs with Skye in his arms before turning to the kitchen to get started on dinner. This is all going so well I'm kind of afraid that something just as bad as this is good will happen.

I won't lie I was a bit shocked to see the two of them sitting so comfy-cozy on the sofa when as soon as I opened the door. But the shock only lasted for a moment because in all honesty I was happy to see that rather than them on opposite sides of the room enjoying one of those awkward silences.

With a quick look in the fridge I decided that to hell with "good parenting" and "healthy family friendly dinners" we were having take out again. Hey, everyone has days when they just don't have the energy to cook a full fledged meal. I refuse to make things like Hamburger Helper I'm an all or nothing cook.

Picking up the house phone I flicked through the contacts list until I found 'Sawadii Thai' then pressed the call button.

"Hi. It is Sawadii Thai how can I help you?"

"Yes. I'd like two orders of Shrimp Pad Thai and a small plate of Calamari."

After placing our order I went to the study and sat down just to remember.

Above all suspicion Grey is a trustworthy, moral guy and I really did wish he would have been able to stay in contact with us all this time.

I remember that first day that Skye brought him home.

Skye's P.O.V.
The Bathroom Door

A felt a hand shake my shoulder and warm breath against my ear as someone whispered, "Love, wake up the Thai food is here."

My eyes opened slowly as I rolled over to see the source of that voice. When I saw Grey's face so close to mine I realized that how truly close we were. I could feel his body against mine from chest to toe. One arm was wrapped around my middle while the other, propped up on its elbow, held his head as he smiled down at me.

For some reason unknown reason I felt very disorientated. It may have been that his cologne was all I could smell, his twinkling silvergrey eyes all I could actually focus on, him all I could feel, our last kisses the only taste my tongue seemed to remember. The very essence of him assailed my senses.

His forehead pressed itself against mine and that voice whispered my name softly. That was just...too much. My body did all it could to escape his overwhelming presence. I felt my arms push him away and my legs moving, scrambling from the bed and hurtling me into the bathroom. The door was slammed by my back as I sunk to the ground suddenly feeling sick to my stomach.

The sound of a knock on the door had my shaking hands reaching up to flip the lock. But at hearing the click of the lock the knocking stopped and the sound of someone sitting down against the door, much like I am, replaced it.

There was a shaky sigh before words were formed, "I...I shouldn't have expected... I shouldn't have acted the way I have been. Its not, its not like we've seen each other...I had no right. I apologize Lyris," I winced at the use of my first name, it sounded so distant, so cold coming from his lips. "Will you forgive me?"

There was nothing to forgive. He did nothing wrong. I never said I didn'tlove like the way we touched, never told him to stop. But I couldn't form the words. A minute of silence passed and I still could not get out even the tiniest sound. My body wouldn't listen to my command to open the door and sit down beside him to tell him that he didn't do anything and that I was just...I was just being stupid, that I was the one who should be apologizing not him.That I still loved him like I did before he left, even though I didn't even know who he was anymore.

A muted string of curse words was muttered before the sound of his retreating foot steps. I listened to them as they descended the stairs and then the sound of the sliding glass back door was heard opening then shutting. My father didn't say anything and neither did Grey. Maybe they both went outside to talk.

My head fell back against the bathroom door, it being the only thing keeping me from falling. Tears fell from my eyes unattended, only serving to make me feel more stupid and irrational.

God damn it! Why?

Do you even want to know the answer to that question?

Yes! Why isn't this how it should be? Why am I acting this way? Hell, what is it even supposed be like?

Your still fighting the emotions you felt for him when he left. The way you dealt with him leaving was to forget him and along the way forget yourself, who you were when you were with him. And now that he's back your feeling all this pain and confusion because you don't know where or how to begin to interact with him.

Okay. Then tell me where the fuck I begin and how to fuck I do it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I thank those of you who've stayed subscribed though updates are a rather irregular
Lost a few subscribers T-T
I hope this makes up for the wait; 1,459 words.