Status: One seriously depressing Hiatus. [That took me nearly a year to admit to].

All It Is, Is Just A Name

Chpt.6 Skye's P.O.V. / Grey's P.O.V.

Skye’s P.O.V.
Banana’s & Marmalade

“Like, *gum smacking* what are you wearing Lyris?” Ah, the bane of my existence. Otherwise known as Katy Holmes.

I couldn’t have found a less original girl if I tried. Platinum blonde hair, too much cover up, way too much pink, not enough reality, and definitely not enough brains to pass Algebra 2. Ya, that just about sums her up.

I close my locker and lean against it before answering, “Clothes, Katy.” Going for the easiest way out I lean down and peck her lip before slyly changing the subject, “Mmm…New lip gloss babe?” Truthfully, it tastes like monkey vomit and I seriously hate bananas. I just had to remind myself that I wouldn’t have to be tasting her ‘flavor of the week’ for much longer.

A smile replaced her confused pout and she started talking about how her and Vanessa went shopping somewhere and they bought something and then like she said Omigod and like he was all Seriously?. That was the gist of the conversation. Well that and me nodding, mhmming and pretending to give a rats ass. Then like in all cheesy high school stories I was ‘Saved by the Bell’. Though only for forty-five minutes and then I would walk her to her next class and listen as she went on about how Hannah called her this morning while she was putting marmalade on her toast.

I so can’t wait to end this.

XxX A Few Hours Later & 280 Miles Away XxX

Grey’s P.O.V.
Tuesdays' & Pancakes

“Will that be all?” The clerk was a gangly freckled guy who’d obviously just hit puberty. I hope that the whole squeaky-voice-scary-acne faze passes as quickly for him as it did for me.

“Yah,” he handed me my bag and a recite, “Thanks.”

He nodded and started helping the next costumer. Back in my car I turned on the AC and started shoving my face. There’s no lunch like a LunchAble, Hoho’s and Arizona Tea.

I’d left the Comfort Inn after finishing breakfast with Lucy, the woman I’d mistook for my grandmother, and I even got her number. Okay that made me sound like a total grave robber. What I meant was that I’d basically ended up telling her my life story and she’d given me some great advice on life and love. When I said that I wished I could talk to her again sometime she’d given me her number.
Thinking of which that reminds me I’ve got to call Cariselle. Now that I was released from Witness Protection I needed to start making plans for what I wanted to do once I got back to my hometown. I mentally sent another thank you to Anne for helping me get his phone number. That was what hurt the most, not being able to let him know how I was, not being able to contact him at all. Sure, like the desperate loser I am, I made a false Myspace page so that I could check his status and blogs. But not being able to communicate, to help him when that little sad face appeared under his profile picture. Enough! Your being pathetic Grey. I scolded myself before pulling out my cell phone and a small scrap of paper.

With shaking hands I attempted to dial the right numbers, it took me three tries but I finally got it. My lungs forgot how to function as I listened to the ringing,

“’Ello, this Cariselle North.” He sounded just the same, deep and cheerful.

Taking a deep breath I stuttered out a reply, “Uh, Hi Elle its…its me Grey.”

The silence that followed seemed to drag on for eternity but in reality it was only about thirty seconds before I heard a hushed reply, “How do I like my pancakes on Tuesday?”

I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle but I didn’t hesitate to answer, “Golden brown, 23 chocolate chips, chunky peanut butter then butter, topped with blueberry syrup and a glass of chocolate milk.”

It was our code we came up with it as soon as we knew that the Witness Protection could possibly get involved. Even though I’ve always known how Skye liked his pancakes on Tuesdays. God, how I missed those Tuesday mornings when I’d come over extra early and we’d all pig out on Cariselle’s famous chocolate chip pancakes.

Only a second passed before I heard the man roaring with laughter, “Well hot damn! It is really you Grey. So… uh what do, what should I .…” What do I tell Skye was his unfinished words.

“Whatever you do don’t tell him I called. I want it to be a surprise. I’m in Portland, Oregon right now and I have a plan. Ya in?”

“Righteous. I’m sooo in man.” Just the same. Still a kid at heart. I wonder if Skye’s changed at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just now realized that I named Skye’s soon-to-be Ex girlfriend after Tom Cruise’s wife! Ha I hate Tom Cruise though Tom Hanks is chill ‘Forest Gump’ = 4 stars.
A special thanks to all of those who commented :] You make your author happy.