Status: One seriously depressing Hiatus. [That took me nearly a year to admit to].

All It Is, Is Just A Name

Chpt. 7 Cariselle's P.O.V. / Skye's P.O.V.

Cariselle’s P.O.V.
The Call

XxX 9:37 a.m. In The North’s Living Room XxX

I’m so proud! He was actually wearing his clothes this morning. I wonder what brought this on. Maybe he’ll tell me his true sexual preference soon. I was disappointed when he told me he had gotten a girlfriend, it was right after I’d found a yaoi manga in the recycle bin. Yeah I may be pushing forty but I know all about what the kids are into these days. Some of the art is actually really good.


Picking up the house phone from the end table I check the caller ID. 1 459 777 0304 Hmm… I wonder who it could be,

“’Ello, this is Cariselle North.”

I heard the person inhale before stuttering out a reply, “Uh, Hi Elle its…its me Grey.”

That voice! Is it…. Could it really be him? “How do I like my pancakes on Tuesday?”

I could hear him chuckle but he didn’t hesitate to answer, “Golden brown, 23 chocolate chips, chunky peanut butter then butter, topped with blueberry syrup and a glass of chocolate milk.”

It was our code we came up with it as soon as we knew that the Witness Protection could possibly get involved. So many memories of Tuesday mornings with Grey and Skye, sometimes little Sierra would even come along. We’d all eat my famous chocolate chip pancakes and just have a blast. One time Grey laughed so hard chocolate milk came out his nose. And when you see a guy that looks like him squirt milk out his nose its something you’ll remember.

Laughter bubbled up and it only stopped when I realized, What do I tell Skye, “Well hot damn! It is really you Grey. So… uh what do, what should I .…” He picked up on my unfinished words quickly.

“Whatever you do don’t tell him I called. I want it to be a surprise. I’m in Portland, Oregon right now and I have a plan. Ya in?”

“Righteous! I’m sooo in man.” Grey always brings out the teen in me.

Skye’s P.O.V.

Today was extraordinarily normal as well as extremely different. The teachers gave exceptionally boring lectures, I took notes, and walked Katy to each of her classes. The group I am/was associated with kept dropping comments on my clothes. I disagreed when Jake said that Bonny, the ‘cheer captain’, looked hot by telling the ‘ugly truth’,

“She’s not a natural red head, at least half the football team knows that for a fact. Her clothes are beyond slutty and I personally don’t want to see her spray on tanned skin.”

That didn’t go down to well, but luckily I dodged the punch. I stopped a jock from beating up a geek by saying that

“If he can’t write how’s he gonna do your homework?” The dumbass went as far as to thank me.

After a day of burning bridges I’d succeeded in reaching my goal.
[x] Wearing my clothes
[x] Stating my true opinions
[x] Ending my relationship with Katy Holmes.

Goal: Feeling comfortable in my own skin, getting kicked out of ‘the group’ and no longer being molested by a Paris Hilton wanna be.

Yeah she kinda ended it for me. Lets just call it a mutual break up. When I went to her locker after school she was giving her services to someone who actually wanted them.

I’d say that all in all everything went surprisingly… well. I got to skip soccer practice, the guys on the team said I need "TIme to grieve." I didn't bother to tell them that I didn't loose anything worth crying over. So once I got home I purged the house of all things prep. Including my second wardrobe, the tag body set Katy bought me for Christmas [Honestly I’d choose Playboy cologne over Tag any day.] Now its time for a nice long smoke break. Feeling lazy I simply opened my bedroom window before taking out my pack and lighting a fresh cancer stick.
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Love to all those that stayed subscribed. I apologize for the wait.
All thoughts/wants/advice welcome ^ - ^