

My aderniline was overwelming. Each bead of sweat was another reason to run. I lived with my grandparents,sisters, and brothers. My younger sister Marie and I had been doing outrageous stunts all summer. This time we were racing on the smaller tractors. We didn't think about the brakes, because they always work. Since the brakes were obviously broken, we ended up crashing through a wall. On the other side of the wall, my cousins Tony, Matt, and Ray were watching tv. Devon and I accidently ran them over. They were rushed to the hospital, but none of them could survive. The pressure of the tractors made their lungs collaspe. All three died from lack of oxygen.
Our grandfather had become a lot stricter since the funeral. Marie and I had served our time in the Juvinal Detition Center, but once we were out, we wanted to go back. While we were gone, our grandfather had devolped an alcohol addiction. Most of the time he would get a buzz, but sometimes he would get a little routy. When he was routy, he normally would through chairs and tables around.
But when he was full on drunk he would beat the kids who gave him a hard time that day. Each week every single one of us had been beaten at least 2 times. After living in constant fear for a year, all of us decided to run. To run away and not stop until we knew we were safe.Each one of us took as much as we could carry. Kristina, Caroline, and Kevin each took a cooler and filled it with food and water.Emma and I went to the bank and took all of the money out of each of our bank accounts. That money would help us whenver we needed it.
The little ones were scared to the point of tears. Once our grandparents went to bed we waited until midnight. By then they would be so sound asleep that a bullhorn couldn't wake them up. We all quietly went down the stairs and hurried out the door. Because of the lack of money, we had no car. So we all got on the bikes. marissa, Lilli and Jason had no bikes, so we all took turns riding with them in our steel baskets. The coolers were small, so the ones without a kid in the basket, had a cooler in theirs. All of the bags that had our clothes and other nessary things had straps, those we carried on our backs.
We rode about five miles before day break. Finally we sat and took a rest for two and a half hours. It was nine in the morning before we started riding again. The little ones were still sleeping so we took our pillows and padded the steel rods that they would be sitting on. But we weren't riding for long before they woke up. We took a half hour break to feed them.
"What's the plan? I mean where are we gonna go? By now the whole family knows that we're gone." I asked anyone who had an answer.
"Anywhere we're safe. But six miles isn't far enough. If we can find a motel one state over maybe we can live there for a couple of years." Emma was the first to answer.
"Yeah. the longer we're gone, the more they think we died. So, it makes more sense to go somewhere they wouldn't think of. But they also know by know we took the bikes. We should go." Caroline said, she made a lot of sense.
"We can't go. We arn't done eating." The little ones said somewhat at the same time.
"You can eat on the way" I said.

Back on the bikes, we probably covered 20 miles at the least. We didn't stop for anything. At noon we pulled over to eat. Not a word was spoken.
"Does anyone need to go to the bathroom before we start up again?'' I asked, “Because we aren't gonna stop until dinner."
"I think we all have to." Kristina said.
"Alright. Kevin, I want you to take the boys over there and I will take the girls over here. Do not leave the person who is supposed to be with you."