
To Go Back is Dangerous

When everyone was finished, we started to load the bikes up once again. I accidently over heard a conversation.
"I never thought I would run away. But I can't believe that we covered this much." Marie said.
"I didn't either.I'm tring to stay awake but I could drop right here." kevin said, his face did look really tired.
"I can't feel my legs and arms. I still am thinking that its a bad dream and I will wake up any second." Mike said.
"Well, this is a dream you will never wake up from. I feel the same way you do. I'm gonna talk to Carie.There is a motel about a mile or two up the street. What we’ll do is stay there for the night and a little bit of tomorrow. Just to give us a rest." I said trying to sound reasuring.

I went around looking for Caroline. It was uncommon for me to have to look for her.

"Car! Car! Car where are you!" I yelled
"Right here." She shouted back.
"Sorry, I didn't see you. Hey there is a motel about a mile and a half up the street. I told marie, Mike and Kevin we would stop there and get some rest."
"Thank you. I was gonna say the same thing."

Once the bikes were loaded up, I sat everyone down and told them what we were doing.

"OK. I want everyone to sit down. There is a motel about a mile and a half
up the street. We will ride there and check into two or three rooms. We will stay there until about noon tomorrow to rest and shower and change.I might not be the oldest or the smartest but I know what I'm doing. We won't be able to pull this off if you don't trust me and if you don't trust each other. I know we always fought back home, but if you wanna go back to that life of constant fear and worry, turn around right know. If you want freedom, a different life, a life of saftey and security, than we won't get anywhere without trust. Trust is the one thing that will make this work. So who is with me?!"

Their faces lit up with joy. We all hopped on the bikes and rode to the motel. This time we rode a little bit slower. But I wanted to go fast. I didn't have a kid or cooler in my basket, so I peddled as fast as I could. To me speed helps me leave everything behind. Like I was some kind of invincable being.
I was the first to reach the motel. I stayed there and cried. When I heard the cheers and sounds of everybody, I pulled myself together. We all locked our bikes on the bike rack and took our stuff and went inside. We got three rooms all right next to eachother. Room 101 was for Kristina, Mike, Andrew, and Lilli. Room 102 was for Carie, Eric, Marissa and I. Finally, Room 103 was for Kevin, Emma, marie, Frank, and Jason.

I went up and got everybody settled. Car and I got Marissa and Eric to sleep and I took Carie outside to talk.

"I'm scared as all hell. This whole time my heart has been in by throat, and my stomach feels like it is about to fall out of my butt. Before you guys got here I was crying like I have never cried before. I want to go back but I can't. To go back would be dangerous, but to stay is also dangerous to. I want to wake up from this never ending dream but I can't." I had kept those feelings in me this whole time.
"I feel the same way. But you don't have to put on an act. I actually think it is a good thing for us to let all of it out. When everyone wakes up in the morning i say we should have them talk to us. Just us. "
"Good idea." I replied.She sounded so sure of herself.