Status: Hiatus (did I spell it right?)

Arranged Marriage to M.Shadows?

Today just keeps getting worse

After going through third hour and consistently having spit-ball shot at my back, It's finally lunch time.

I walk into the lunch room and sit with my friends. "Hey, Bell was third hour any better" Alexa asked she took a sip of water from her water bottle.

"Nope" was all I said as I took a sip from my Pepsi.

"I wounder why those guys keep picking on you" said Cleo.

"There jack asses that's why" I mumbled as I saw Matt and his gang walk past our table.

Cleo and Alexa laughed at my comment causing our table to get a few weird looks from people as they pass-by our table.

The rest of lunch was uneventful. But I was really dreading going to fourth hour, because I have to sit next to Matt and his gang.


As I walked into my fourth hour, health, I noticed Matt and his friends were already sitting at our table.

I sighed and took my seat between Matt and Jimmy. 'God they make me feel short' I thought to myself as class started.

We were watching a movie today about something boring so I folded my arms onto the table and rested my head on my arms, feeling my eyes get heavy so I closed them and fell asleep.

I don't know how long I was out for but when I woke up I felt someone constantly poking me in my right side.

"Jimmy stop" I mumbled in a sleepy tone. But the poking just got harder till some one poked me in both my sides hard and I jumped out of my seat and screamed and fell on my back holding my sides.

I opened my eyes and saw Matt and his gang doubled over laughing and the whole class staring at me.

"You Jackasses" I yelled and pointed at the guys.

"Miss Maze, please watch your language. This is a school" Miss, Glad scolded me.

I got up off the ground and dusted my self off.

'Today just keeps getting worse' I thought as I sat back down in my seat.

The rest of the day nothing happened because Matt and his stupid friends aren't in my fifth or sixth hour classes.

When I got back to my house I dropped my book bag by the front door and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few Oreo cookies from the cookie jar.

"Bell honey" my mom said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Yes mom" I said with a mouth full of Oreo cookies.

My mom just rolled her eyes and continued what she was saying, "Were having company coming over for dinner. So go take a shower and dress in the clothes I laid in your bed" Mom said.

"alright" I replied and headed to the bathroom to shower.
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What do you guys think? Comments please?

thanks to those who commented on the first chapter.