Status: Hiatus (did I spell it right?)

Arranged Marriage to M.Shadows?

My fate is sealed

Bell's POV

I sat across from Matt in the restaurant. So far he hasn't said a word to me and I haven't said a word to him either.

I heard Matt sigh, I looked at him and saw him right at me.

"Since were supposed to be getting married tell me about you" Matt said sounding not really interested.

"Um OK, what do you want to know" I asked him.

"What kind of bands do you like? What colors do you like?" Matt asked me.

"Um I like Metallic and Atreus. And I like the colors blue and black"

"Really? I like Metallic and Atreus too"

"Well we have something in common" I told Matt as out waitress came and gave us our food.

As Matt and I ate we talked about our selves and our interests. It turns out Matt and I share the same interests in a lot of things. Like how we both hate Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. (eventhough there not born yet)

I laughed as Matt told me a story about how he and the guy's became friends with Johnny.
"So he would ramdomly come to your house and trash talk about your bassist" I asked Matt.

"Yeah, then we had to have Jimmy scare him off. Then one day our old bassist moved away so we had no choice but to let Johnny play with us, then after practice we all talked for a while and turns out we have a lot of things in common" Matt told me as he took a sip of his pepsi.

"Wow, I thought you guys were al ways friends" I said as I took a sip of my lemonade.

I started to day dream when Matt cleared his throat and stood up. I watched as he walked to my side and got down on one knee and pulled out a box.

"Bell I know we haven't known eachother for a long time but...will you marrie me" Matt asked as he opened the lid of the box and showed me a beautiful ring.

I looked at the ring, then at Matt and nodded my head "Yes, I'd Merry you" I said.'Even though I have no choice in the matter' I thought as Matt put the ring on my ring finger.
♠ ♠ ♠
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