Universe Inventions


Norah made her way through the hallways, turning at almost random moments. To the average eye, it would look as if she was lost. But she knew very well where she was going. She had studied the map and its directions for a week.

She had received emails for the past month interviewing her, notifying her of her importance in the business.

What Norah didn't even know was she was the prime candidate to become the next Chief Executive Officer of Universe Inventions. Her hard work and passion for the business was evident in Robert Lanson's eyes, the creator of Universe Inventions. Since the beginning of UI's success, he and hundreds of hired assistants watched the workers of the business through hidden cameras, hired psychologists evaluated the intentions and personalities of his employees.

Norah White stood out the most. She was beautiful and intelligent. She had made her small UI building back in her small town her home, constantly working overnight to modify inventions sent in weekly, making them more efficient, better, faster. Then she would drive an hour to the nearest manufacturing warehouse to send it back to Mr. Lanson. Norah was responsible for a lot of success in the sales of these inventions.

Robert twiddled his thumbs and studied her movement on the big screen now. The high definition motion sensitive cameras he had invented himself zoomed in on her face with a simple button, reassuring himself that she was just as nervous as he was. She was making her way to the back closet, where his hidden elevator was located. He waited for her impatiently on the nonexistent thirteenth floor of Universe Inventions Headquarters.

In just a few moments he would reveal to Norah the true intentions of his corporation, hoping he wouldn't have to kill her.