Status: Just Started. Read. Comment. Give Me Ideas. Tell Me If You Want a Fan Fic!

The Song In My Head

Chapter 1

-Three Months Earlier-

“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride,” said Father Richardson as cheers erupted from out family and friends. I slowly leaned in, watching as the glint of happiness never left Nick’s gorgeous hazel eyes, before our lips connected in a breath-taking kiss. I smiled slightly as our more perverse friends whooped and hollered before slowly breaking away, officially Mrs. Bissam. The happiness that I felt never dare once waiver.

Whirling in circle after circle I laughed in the truest way possible, I was living every girl’s dream. I had married my childhood best friend, my high school sweetheart, and my college love. Nick had been there for me for every single hardship that I had ever been forced to face, never once asking for something in return.

…My Life Is Perfect…

The clock was nearing Midnight, and, ever so slowly, I began growing tied. I could sense that Nick was growing tired as well. So, I leaned up and whispered into his ear, asking him if he were ready to leave. He nodded, his eyes drooping only slightly. After we both agreed that it was time to leave, we slowly made our rounds of the reception hall, thanking each and every quest for coming to witness this magical moment. Everyone generously accepted our thanks and sent us merrily on our way, they all knew that we had to prepare to catch an early flight.

Hand in hand we left the large hall and got into our awaiting care. After buckling up, Nick and I cautiously made our way to our house. Home was in sight when I heard the deafening screech of tires on the wet pavement and felt the jolt of two metal beasts colliding. I screamed in blind terror as my head was thrown in every direction before I lost all consciousness.

…The dark silence was so warm and welcoming…

Every now and then the silence would leave me and I would see random lights, hear random voices. One singular voice struck me and rocked me to my very core, making my room of dark silence become nothing more than black walls for my worst fears to echo on…”Nicholas Bissam…Dead…12:47am…”

…He couldn’t be gone

The next time I gained some consciousness I could feel my aching body, I could hear the sounds of machines beeping and feet bustling about on a tiled floor, but I couldn’t see due to an ever so blinding light. Slowly, I gained my vision as the light faded. My entire body ached in a horrid pain, and my head was reeling in mass confusion. Yet, an odd feeling of calm overcame my frightened mind. I just knew that I shouldn’t worry; Nick was probably just in the room next to mine. He’s not dead; it’s only my mind playing cruel tricks on me. After all, Nick wouldn’t dare just leave me like that, would he?

A doctor and a sympathetic looking woman walked into my room. That was when true terror struck me. I knew what that woman’s job was; she was supposed to tell families when their loved ones die. Tears cascaded down my bruised and battered face before I shakily asked in a grave in solemn voice, “He’s dead, isn’t he?” She nodded silently as I processed this heart wrenching news in my frantic mind. I shifted my saddened gaze downward, “How did it happen?” I asked, willing it not to be true, and then slowly she began to tell me how my true love, my husband, died.

-One Week After The Crash-

Nick had been too damn considerate, but I was grateful for that. Nick had already planned his funeral and had it arranged so that I wouldn’t have to mess with it. He was always thinking of the future. I used t be that way too, but now I can’t think of the future. Without Nick, do I even have a future?

Today is the day of his burial, but it is also the last time that I must say goodbye to him. Also, it is the day that I bid farewell to the last name Bissam. The name is just too painful a burden to carry around day in and day out. Every time I hear someone call out Mrs. Bissam tears well up in my eyes and I cry for hours on end. And so, as his flower covered casket is lowered into the ground, I lose a crucial piece of my torn and tattered self.

No longer am I the happy Mrs. Bissam, but once again the lonely Miss Grahy.
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Alright, so this one is still kinda short, but I'm working on empty right now x]
I have no clue whether I want to keep this as an original, or if I want to make it a fan fic. Ideas?
Thanks! =]