Status: finished!

The Other Side of the World


"I am very sorry honey but I need you to get another job." Alyssa stared at her mother for a second before speaking.

"Another job?" The middle aged women sighed and nodded, shifting in her seat slightly.

"I already lined up an interview with them. If you get this job, you can quit your other job, sweety." Alyssa sighed and shook her head.

"Who are they and what do I have to do?" She questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

Alyssa's family has always been poor. They've always worked for everything they want. Alyssa has three older brothers and one younger sister. She was 22 years of age and has never spent one minute out with the few friends she has because she is too busy working to help her parents support her family.

"They are the Way family. They are a very rich family and their son, Gerard, needs an assistant."

"An assistant? For what?"

"He's an artist, honey." Alyssa sighed.

"And the hours?"

"10 until 6." Alyssa ran a hand threw her long brown hair.

"When is my interview." Her mother gave her a sympathetic look.

"Half an hour." Alyssa stood up from her chair.

"I should go get ready though. Can you write down the directions to the place?" Her mother nodded.

"Of course, honey." Alyssa smiled at her mother before disapearing down the hall and into her room.

She slid out of her pajama bottoms to put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt with a black button up vest over it. She applied her eyeliner and black eyeshadow before putting small curls in her hair.

After grabbing the directions from her mother, she left the house and got into her car.

She spent the drive to the Way house thinking about how she wanted to live life normally. She just wanted to go out and have fun and not have to worry about work that she needs to do the next day.

Upon pulling up the house, her mouth dropped open. The house was huge. It had a really big garden out front, a round about drive way, which she parked her car in before getting up and walking up the steps, knocking on the big wooden door.

It swung open to reveal a guy that looked to be a few years younger then Alyssa. He was very tall and skinny, with light brown hair and black glasses placed on the bridge of his nose. He didn't really look like the artistic kind.

"Hi," He smiled at her. "You must be Alyssa?" She smiled back and nodded.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." He nodded before stepping aside, holding the door open.

"It's nice to meet you too. My parents wanted to meet you before you talked to Gerard, so if you will follow me."

"You're not Gerard?" She asked, becoming very confused at who this man was. He let out a small chuckle.

"No. My name is Mikey. Sorry it was rude of me not to introduce myself. I'm Gerard's brother."

"Oh, okay. How old is Gerard?" She asked as they started walking down the hall.

"23. He just moved back in here with my parents after him and his girlfriend broke up." She nodded. Mikey opened a door and led the way in. "Mom, dad. Alyssa is here."

"Oh, great. Thank you Michael." He nodded, smiled at Alyssa before walking out, leaving Alyssa with two people.

One was a short women, who had a warm welcoming smile and the other was a man who was tall and also had a welcoming smile.

"Hello, Alyssa. My name is Don, and this is Donna, my wife." She shook his awaiting hand, smiling at him.

"It's really nice to meet you both." She spoke, shaking Donna's hand.

"Now, about Gerard. He can be a little scary at moments, but once you spend time with him he is such a sweetheart." Donna said, making Alyssa nod.

"What exactly is it that he needs me to do?"

"He just needs someone to help him keep his studio clean." Don answered.

"And when can I meet him?" Donna nodded.

"Right now. Let's go get him." Alyssa nodded and followed Donna out of the room, Don behind her.

They walked back down the hall and up a flight of stairs and down a hall. They approached a closed door and Donna knocked on it.

"What?" Came a voice from behind it.

"Alyssa is here." Donna spoke. There was shuffling before the door swung open.

Gerard was tall, had a little chub, but not enough for you to say he was fat. He was dressed in black jeans and a black Misfits shirt. His long black hair was flying around everywhere, and his hazel eyes were staring down at Alyssa.

"This is Gerard, honey. Gerard this is your new assistand Alyssa."

"So I got the job?" Alyssa questioned, her eyes meeting Donna's before she looked back up at Gerard.

"Of course, honey. Gerard, why don't you show her your studio?" Donna suggested making Gerard turn to look at her.

"Sure." He said, staring at Alyssa again.

"We will be downstairs if you need us." Don said, putting his arm around his wife and walking away.

"Follow me." Gerard spoke, moving past her and walking down the hall. He smelt of cigarettes and coffee, something that usually wouldn't go together, but it suits him, and it calms her for some reason. "This is my studio." He spoke, opening a door to reveal a big, open room full of paintings. There was a huge window taking up a whole wall but had black curtains tossed across it, blocking out the light that would surly be coming in.

"You're a very good artist." She complemented him, walking around the room and looking at the paintings and drawings.

"Thank you. It's all I really have left other then my family but you have to get away from them sometimes, you know?"

"Actually I don't. I never see my family much anymore. I'm always working." She answered with a shrug, turning to look at him.

"That sucks." He said. "I promise I won't make you work alot so you can spent time with them." She smiled but shook her head.

"They work all of the time too. We're a very poor family, we don't get to have any free time if we want to put food on the table." He frowned, walking over to his desk and sitting down.

"Wow. How old are you, anyway?" She smiled and came over to his desk, leaning up against the side of it.

"22." She answered. "I've been working since I turned 16. I've never lived my life. I've never been a teenager and just... gone out..." She said sadly, looking down at the ground so she didn't see the smile on his face.

"How about you live your life tonight? Me and you. Let's go out." She looked up at him.

"I don't have any money." He shook his head, stood up, and came over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Don't worry about dinner tonight. I'll pay for everything, you just worry about having fun."

"Really?" She questioned, looking up at him.

"Of course. You deserves some time to live." They smiled at eachother.

"Thank you, Gerard."

"It's no problem, honestly. I need to have some fun too. I've been cooped up in here for the past two weeks, moping about my ex."

"I'm sorry." He shook his head.

"It's fine. She wasn't worth it anyway." He answered with a shrug.

"How long were you guys together?"

"Only four months." He answered with a shrug.

"Four months longer then any relationship I've ever been in." His eyes widened.

"You've never been in a relationship?" She shrugged.

"Not serious ones."

"Wow. Yes, you need to get out and live." She laughed and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him.

"Yes, that I do."

"Today's going to be the funnest night ever." He said, hugging her back tightly.

They both smiled as they realized they would have a very good friendship with the other...
♠ ♠ ♠
Im not so sure about thiss.