Status: active

Love, Life, Teenage Dramas... The Whole Shebang!

Chapter 1

“And Salina and Jo will be playing the parts of Romeo and Juliet” Miss Patterson had exclaimed excitedly.
“Ummmm Miss Patterson” I interrupted Miss Patterson “did I hear you right, did you say Jo and I????” I added as every one in the class giggled except for Sasika who had no idea on what was happening. There were about 19 of us in the whole class.
“Yes, yes I did do you have any problems with that Salina?” Miss Patterson replied. Miss Patterson was one of the new teachers that came to the school with us yr8’s she had wavy dark hair and seemed to wear purple a lot, Miss Patterson taught drama and SOSE.
“No, no Nah why would there be a problem??” I replied to Miss Patterson as I giggled nervously.
“Well good, then it’s settled! Salina and Jo will be playing the parts of Romeo and Juliet! Oh and its time to pack up and go to lunch have a good break children, and don’t forget to learn your lines” Miss Patterson said while looking at her watch.

“HEY SALINA!” Jo yelled after me as I was hurriedly walking out of the classroom.
“Oh hey Jo sorry I mustn’t have heard you before, yea?” I replied.
“I was thinking…”
“You were THINKING??? You????” I interrupted Jo sarcastically
“Yes I was thinking that tomorrow you could come over to my house and we could practice the lines together” Jo replied
“Yeah ok well ill come over to your house tomorrow” I said as I smiled nervously.
Then all through out lunch the morning just replayed in my head over and over again like broken videotape. I was totally spaced out. So spaced out that I didn’t even realize that my three friends Lizzy, Sally, and Sally were talking to me. I know pretty weird having two friends with the same name but get this; there are three Sally’s in the entire yr8 classes (even though there are only 2 yr8 classes). Lizzy was a bit of the odd one out of the group (not literally if you take it literally I was the odd one out of the group) but she had black, dyed, waist long hair that was usually pulled back, Sally W had wavy blonde/brown hair and she was the most girlie out of the group, and Sally O had short shoulder length blonde hair and never wore it down. But together we were almost the craziest group in the entire school. Anyway I mean Jo and I were pretty good friends well we had been friends since the end of yr6 and this was yr 8, BUT THIS WAS ROMEO AND JULIET!!!!! Well… to tell the truth I actually really really liked Jo and still do but this would make the entire thing awkward. Plus he has a girlfriend, and he didn’t like me in that way any way and Romeo and Juliet is a love play. Wow im in for it now... Why did I have to audition for the part of Juliet?
♠ ♠ ♠
i hope you like it its my first story that i have written that wasnt for school so yeah.
stay tuned for the next chapter :P
dont mind me just a tad wierd :D