Status: active

Love, Life, Teenage Dramas... The Whole Shebang!

Chapter 2

I got through the rest of the day but when I woke up this morning I wasn’t sure I would get through today (I just had one of those feelings that something big was going to happen today). But I did unfortunately… and then we get to the afternoon.
“Are you ready yet Salina?” Jo asked me.
“All most just a sec I just gotta get my script” I replied
“Cool, gee take your time…” Jo exclaimed sarcastically.
“Shut-up leave me alone…” I replied hastily “k lets go”.
“‘Bout time” Jo exclaimed.
Here we go this was what I was thinking I didn’t know what was going to happen and I was freaked out. The entire ride there was a blur. Then we got to work rehearsing the lines. We were doing pretty well then…it happened…I knew doing this play that something would happen but noooo I didn’t listen to my self did I??

We kissed…
“WOW” Jo exclaimed.
“Yea Wow,” I said before I opened my eyes.
My heart was beating at 100 miles per hour, I could feel his warm breath and I could feel how close his face was to mine. But then when I opened my eyes I realized what had just happened and got up straight away.
“Oh my god I cant, you cant, we cant I, I, I, I have to go, and by the way that had to be the most amazing first kiss that anyone could ever have. Im sorry… bye” I said quickly as I was leaving the house as fast as I could. My phone made a flip noise as I opened it outside in the windy cold weather. I dialed my mum’s number without having to go to contacts because I finally learnt it off by heart.
“Pick up come on pick up, hey mummy you can come pick me up now. Ok see you in a minute.” I spoke into the phone.
The wind was cold but I didn’t want to go back in there and face what just happened. Luckily Jo didn’t follow me outside. Then I heard the tires of my mums car pull up I didn’t notice her coming earlier because I was so deep in thought. I quickly jumped into the car to get out of the cold and to get away, nothing was said on the drive home and I went straight to bed when I got home.

I woke up with hazy eyes. I blinked a couple of times and rubbed my eyes to wake up. Then the reality of what had happened yesterday hit me. So I rolled over and decided that I wasn’t going to school today. All I really had to do was not wake anyone else up… but of course this was the only day my mum woke up early.
“Come on honey time to get up its 7:30”, my mum called into the bedroom. 7:30 was pretty late for me but that was when I usually woke her up so I s’pose she decided to let me have a sleep in.
“Ehhhhhhhhhh don’t want to! Im tired”, I lied
“Come on, out of bed I don’t care if you’re tired, you’re going to school, so hurry up otherwise you’re going to be late”, mum replied.
I rolled over and slowly got out of bed and did my usual morning routine, and as mum predicted we were late.

Form almost started but I was lucky and got there quickly. I took my usual seat next to Sally, Sally and Lizzy and realized that Jo was staring at me. I chose to ignore him, as I wanted to avoid him as much as possible. This worked pretty well until morning tea. I was putting my books away then I realized that he had spotted me. I tried to get up quickly and catch up with my three friends who said to meet them out on the oval. But I wasn’t fast enough. He caught me right in front of the art studio.
“Hey Salina I didn’t catch you before form and I couldn’t get to you in between the classes, I’ve wanted to talk to you all morning, but I couldn’t its like you’ve been avoiding me.” Jo exclaimed without taking a breath.
I swear that boy could talk under water.
“Uhhh DUH! Of course I’ve been avoiding you, you idiot, did you not realize what happened yesterday?” I said bringing him closer “You have a girlfriend, what will people say if they find out!”
“Not anymore” Jo replied.
“WHAT!?” I exclaimed becoming extremely confused “What do you mean” I added lowering my voice to almost a whisper.
“Exactly what I said, not anymore,” Jo replied with a bit of smirk on his face.
Part of me just wanted to wipe that smirk off his face with a slap but i tried to controll myself.
“Jo I’m not in the fucking mood for your bullshit at the moment, OK.” I replied starting to become frustrated and nervous.
“I don’t have a girlfriend anymore, Salina I dumped her for you.” He said with a smile forming on his face as the words left his mouth.
“What… Oh shit, you can’t be serious… can you, no, no way, you know this is some messed up bloody joke you know that.” I said with tears forming in my eyes “You know I like you, and I thought you were my friend why would you play such a sick joke on me??” I added on before I was about to run off into the toilets to cry when he grabbed my arm.
“Salina, im not joking, you felt something in that kiss I know you did and I know I did, I want to be with you” Jo said his tone softening.
“You’re, you’re serious?” I whispered looking into his eyes as if searching for the answer I was hoping for.
“Yeah I’m serious”, he said with a sigh of relief that I believed him.
“Well what do we do now?” I asked without truly realizing what had happened.
Then he checked around to make sure no teachers were around and lifted my chin up and kissed me on the lips. He is such an amazing kisser I thought to myself. I brought my face back down and opened my eyes.
“Wow still” I said with a smile from ear to ear painted on my face.
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wooo i have 2 readers and i only put the first chapter up about and hour ago lol :D
i hope u guys like it :D