Status: active

Love, Life, Teenage Dramas... The Whole Shebang!

Chapter 3

It was only yesterday when every thing had happened so quickly, and yet all ready the entire school knew we were going out. I guess one of the benefits of being in a tiny school. But I didn’t care I was happy something that I had hoped to happen for so long had finally happened. I really didn’t give a shit what people thought. It was Friday and we were in art sitting together when Mr. Madin started to break out in a love song (as he always did) at Jo and I. Majorly embarrasses us both but that was what Mr. Madin was best at. Mr. Madin was one of the new teachers that started at the school when we the yr8’s did. He was young and wore glasses and he was the art and English teacher.

We both stared at him wondering if he had been dropped on his head as a baby, which had caused him to be this weird. Then he laughed and walked off to yell at Jared and Rex (which is what everyone called him, I don’t know why they called him Rex my guess is that his real name is really geeky) who had stuck their overly large heads for the fact that they didn’t have any brains into the door and disrupted the class. As Jo saw the opportunity with Mr. Madin gone he leant over and kissed me on the cheek. I was totally surprised and gave him a cute smile and kissed him back on the cheek. Then of course Megan had to come up and screw everything up. Megan was a nice girl most of the time but she was extremely bossy the rest of the time, she had dark brown hair and normally wore it up in a bun with a ribbon in it.
“You two shouldn’t be kissing in class you know… really if you ask me you two shouldn’t be kissing at this age anyway.” Megan said with her normal attitude.
“Well…Megan one No one asked you and two who gives a crap?” I replied with annoyance in my voice and with a big smirk in my face.
“I DO! Eh… so stop it otherwise ill tell Mr. Madin Humph,” she said with a sour look on her face thinking she had won this little battle.
“Again Megan no one cares and if you haven’t learnt by now Mr. Madin doesn’t give a crap anyway and plus why do you care any way JEALOUS?” Jo replied defensively of me. I smiled as I saw Megan’s face scrunch up and watched her walk away.
“OOOOHHHH BURN!” Jo yelled cracking up.
“That was just too good!” I smiled at Jo and gave him a hi-five laughing our heads off.

“So has anyone here not realized that Jo and Salina are going out?” Mr. Madin said as if it wasn’t meant to be answered.
“You have to be blind to not realize that.” Miss Patterson replied to Mr. Madin.
“If you ask me it’s about time, those two have put this off for a while.” Mr. Chapen added his two cents in.
“Yeah I’ve seen those two flirting with each other since they got here; supposedly they’ve been friends since the end of yr6.” Mr. Madin said.
“Well from what I’ve heard and observed, Jo didn’t really like Salina in the boyfriend/girlfriend way until recently, but she has liked him in that way since 1st term of yr7.” Mr. T who had recently been silent spoke up.
“Really??” Miss Patterson asked Mr. T.
“Yeah, poor girl…” Mr. T was interrupted by a knock on the staff room door. Everyone looked around at each other and wondered how long whoever was out there had been there for and then Mr. Chapen called out, “Come in”.
Then entered Salina all the teachers’ hearts sank when they realized she had probably heard the entire conversation, and that if she did she could probably get them fired.
“Hi ummm is Miss Patterson here?” Salina said into the room full of teachers, she never liked the staff room no one did really being there was very intimidating. All the teachers sighed a sigh of relief thinking that Salina was only here to talk to Miss Patterson.
“Yeah im right here” Miss Patterson finally piped up.
“Ah cool, hey umm will we be practicing the play on Monday in drama?” I spoke to Miss Patterson.
“Yes, we will is that all?” Miss Patterson said with her usual smile.
“Yeah thanks” I replied as Miss Patterson walked back to where she was sitting “Oh and by the way I don’t care about you guys talking about Jo and I, its actually pretty funny to hear teachers gossiping, and by the way thanks Mr. T” All the teachers faces changed instantly and I smiled as I turned around trying really hard to stop myself laughing my head off until I get further away.

I sat down next to Jo laughing my head off.
“What’s so funny??” Jo exclaimed looking at me with a smile and wondering what the hell was happening.
“Hahaha the teachers Hahaha they Ha they were gossiping about us Hahaha and I walked straight in on it Hahahahahahaha. But Ha but the best part was their faces Hahaha one when I walked in and when I told them that I heard everything Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. It was so funny!” I replied still laughing my head off. Then Jo started to laugh. Then the bell rang.
“AWWWWW Damn IT!” I yelled. “What do we have now?” I asked
“Double science” he replied. I laughed when I realized that we have Mr. T for science.
“K lets go” I replied.
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enjoy :D