Status: active

Love, Life, Teenage Dramas... The Whole Shebang!

Chapter 4

Fridays were the best day of the week for me subject wise because we had double art, drama, science, pastoral care, math’s and SOSE. Mainly my favorite because art and drama im a crafty person. But Mondays were pretty cool too because we also had double art on Mondays and one session of drama. But sometimes art is so annoying because of the class idiots Matty, Matt and Darren, all though Jack was also a class idiot but that was only some of the time. Matty was the ‘cool’ and ‘hot’ popular guy in the entire yr8 classes he had short brown/blond hair that was usually spiked up and was tall and bulky. Matt was the un-cool guy, who hung around the ‘cool’ guys like a bad smell and thought he was ‘cool’ but never was really, he had short red brown hair and was really, really tall. Then there was Darren now Darren was really smart but decided that he’d rather be cool than be smart and he was what you would call 2nd in charge after Matty. Darren had short curly brown hair and wasn’t short but wasn’t tall either. Now Jack was one of those quiet popular boys he had short brown hair and was the one who didn’t say all that much. But together these idiots were so annoying so really all you could do was ignore them so when they made wisecrack about Jo and I, I just try to ignore them but this one was the last straw.

I rested my head on Jo’s shoulder as I was drawing my assignment.
“Awwwwwwwww isn’t that cute. Jo and Salina are using P.D.A in school Mr. Maddin.” Matty told Mr. Maddin just to piss us off.
But as usual Mr. Maddin didn’t really care.
“Matty stop trying to get them in trouble, and Jo and Salina wait till lunch before you use P.D.A ok?” Mr. Maddin asked all of us without even looking up from his laptop.
“Yes Mr. Maddin” Jo, Matty and I all said at once.
Then I turned around and put the finger up at Matty and poked my tongue out at him and turned back around and rested my head back on Jo’s shoulder.

“Why do you always try to get those two in trouble?” Darren asked Matty when they reached the sink in the art room far enough so that Salina and Jo couldn’t hear them.
“Follow me” Matty replied to Darren and walked out side.
“Why the hell are we outside?” Darren asked Matty.
“Because I don’t want her to hear this. OK?” Matty replied to Darren in a grumpy tone.
“HER? Who her, do you mean Salina???” Darren asked.
“Yes Salina” Matty replied. “Can I talk now without you interrupting me Darren?”
“Yes sorry mate” Darren added quickly before Matty started talking.
“I haven’t told anyone this so you have to keep this to yourself ok? Good. Now the reason I always try to get Salina and Jo in trouble is because… I like Salina and I have for a while but I never asked her out because she isn’t considered cool and I didn’t want to lose you guys as friends because I like Salina. So I have kept this to myself for ages and seeing him with her makes me quite angry actually. So there’s your reason are you happy now??” Matty finally finished.
“Wow really man? I never really guessed you would like someone like that… but you wouldn’t lose us as friends she would just become popular.” Darren comforted Matty.
♠ ♠ ♠
ohhh and now we see that Matty likes Salina :D
The plot thickens :P hehe
i have always wanted to do that lol soz
hopes u like it..... i know i should find something other than that to say because i have put it on the authors notes on like each chapter :D