Status: active

Love, Life, Teenage Dramas... The Whole Shebang!

Chapter 5

“I’m going to spend the break with the girls, they’re probably already pissed that I haven’t spent one lunch break since we got together with them so yeah, or if you want you can hang out with me and them… that’s if you really want to I know you don’t exactly enjoy being around them.” I said to Jo.
“I’ll let you sort it out with them first and tomorrow I’ll hang out with you and them, plus my friends probably are a bit pissed as well.” Jo replied with his normal smile.
“Ok I’ll se ya at the next class, bye” I said as I hugged him and started walking out to the field, which is where my friends and I usually sat.

“Hey” I said as I sat down next to my three friends.
“Well long time no see!” Sally (which is what we call Sally. W and we call Sally. O Salo) stated.
“It hasn’t been that long I mean geez. Plus would you prefer Jo and I sitting here and cuddling up to each other with you guys around?” I replied. There was an awkward pause.
“No not really” Salo finally piped up.
“Anyway give us all the goss tell us everything” Sally exclaimed excitedly “is he a good kisser, tell us the whole story.”
So I began with the story in detail and I had just finished when the bell rang for classes. Sally, Salo and Lizzy had surrendered without a fight and I was surprised they didn’t have even more of a go at me for not hanging out with them. But hey I wasn’t complaining.
“Hey how was lunch” Jo’s voice interrupted my thoughts and startled me for a moment.
“Ok. I suppose. They didn’t kill me so that’s a bonus.” I laughed.
Jo smiled before he took my hand and led me toward my bag.
“What about you? Were they upset or annoyed? Did they kill you? Are you a ghost?” I asked sarcastically.
“Ha ha very funny. No they’re alright, they are used to me ditching them for my girlfriend.” He replied.
My heart skipped a beat as he said the word girlfriend it still hadn’t fully sunk in im not sure that it ever will but that’s fine with me, as long as I was with him.
“So you’re up on the mountain this weekend, not at you’re dads?” Jo’s voice interrupted my thoughts again yet it didn’t startle me this time.
“Yeah im up on the mountain this weekend. Why?” I asked.
“Well I was thinking, maybe if you want to, we could go on a date” He sounded almost worried as he said it, possibly even nervous but he had no reason for it, it was an easy obvious answer, and it came out faster than I meant for it to but I was excited.
“Yeah id love to” I replied hastily.
“Great.” Jo sounded relived, like some big weight had been lifted, I wondered how long he had been wanting to ask that since we were together. Then it actually hit me I had never been on a date before and I began to worry. I had no idea on what to wear, what to do and I realized I had the perfect person to ask. My cousin Renae. I also figured I need to know where we were going on the date to dress appropriately.
“So where are we going?” I asked innocently.
“On a picnic in the park, ill pick you up at 11:00 am on Saturday” he replied as we made it to the line for our next class.
“Oh shit” the words were almost a whisper from my mouth.
“What? Do you not like picnics we can do something else if you want” Jo looked at me with partly worried and partly hurt eyes. It looked like he had been planning this for a while.
“No no no its not that, its just that I just realized that I haven’t told my mum that I have a boyfriend yet, it just slipped my mind, and you know my mum she doesn’t really approve of me having a boyfriend so there’s probably gunna be a shit fight tonight” I frowned.
“It will be alright, wait it slipped your mind? How could it slip your mind?” Jo asked suspiciously.
“It wasn’t fully on purpose, I did usually forget to tell her, but sometimes when I did remember I didn’t really want to tell her because I don’t enjoy fighting with my mum” I was really freaking out about telling my mum and Jo being a tad annoyed at me wasn’t exactly helping. He must have seen it on my face because at that moment Jo took me in his arms the books made it a bit uncomfortable but I didn’t mind.
“It’ll be fine” I heard him whisper, “I don’t think your mum will be that angry plus she will get over it”
“Brave words coming from someone who said they were afraid of my mum” I laughed a little at my own joke it made me feel a bit better.
“Hey your mum is pretty scary” Jo Laughed.
“Sure Sure. Oh Mr. T is coming” I reluctantly pulled away from his hug. Then he quickly grabbed my spare hand. I looked up at him and grinned I was so happy.
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these are short arent they??? sorry about that...
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