Status: active

Love, Life, Teenage Dramas... The Whole Shebang!

Chapter 6

That was until I got home and remembered what I had to tell my mum tonight. If im lucky she is in a good mood tonight if not... im screwed. When I got home i gave mum a hug and went to drop off my bag in my room. Ok, deep breaths, deep breaths, i can do this, this is simple, its not hard and it wont hurt to say a couple of words... Although there might be hurting after the words, like when my mum rips my head off. This is going to be interesting...
I started walking down the long hallway to the living room where i knew my mum would be. Then of course my shit of a litte brother decided to come out of his room and block the hall, and of course when i ask for him to move, he stops dead and makes sure i cant in any way get past.
"GET OUT OF THE BLOODY WAY KYLE!!!!" I shove him so he starts moving and i barge past. Ok now im grumpy this will be even worse now. Ok deep breath it will be fine i tell myself. I walk up to where my mum was sitting knitting a blanket.
"Mum can i talk to you for a sec?" I ask.
"Yeah go ahead sweety" she replied.
"I mean in private..." I said.
"Umm... yeah just let me finish this row ill be done in a sec" she says quickly.
"Ok thanks" I replied.
"Alright done come one out to the kitchen" mum said as she put her knitting needles and the blanket back in her bag.
"Ok mum you might want to sit down for this not that it's a bad thing or anything but it might take a little while." I said as I got mum to sit down and I sat across from her. Mum looked puzzled as i sat acroos from her considering what to say. The entire time before i went and asked for her to talk to me i was calming myself but i didnt even consider what to say or how to say it.
"Ok umm... Mum ummm... Well first i would like to ask that u dont get angry with me at all. Can you promise me that?" I said with pleading eyes.
"I'm not promising anything Salina." mum replied.
"Ok..... well, Jo and I are together now and have been for a little while now, and on the weekend he will be coming over to take me out on a date, and i just thought I should tell you and im sorry I kept it from you for so long but i was worried about your reaction, and i didnt want you to ty and split Jo and I up. Which I hope you wont because I really do care for him and I dont want to get in a fight with you about it. So please please please don't be upset with me..." I exclaimed without taking a breath, after the first words came out the rest just flowed out without me being able to stop them. I breathed a sigh of relief now that my mum knew about everthing i felt like a weight had been lifted.
During the little speech i gave i had my eyes on the table because i was a little ashaimed if lying to my mum and a little worried to see her reaction. I slowly raised my eyes to see my mums face and her expression...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its really really short and im sorry about that but i decided to be evil and put in a bit of a cliff hanger
this chapter goes out to lozza one of my best friends in real life she rules and has an account on mibba with awesum stories :D her username is: x_Even_Angels_Fall_x
well thanks for reading plz comment and subscribe i promise to put the next chapter up asap
Oh and Merry Christmas all !!!! :D
-sheakie :D