Status: Not sure that I'll ever finish. I dislike a lot of what I did with my story and am tempted to scrap the whole thing.

Blood Desires

Visions and Persuasion

Taylor found herself in a room with a lady at a desk. She went up to the lady and asked her to be directed for a meeting. The lady nodded and led her to a back room where a woman sat, clad in a very tight green dress. It was short and very skimpy looking. The woman's hair was long and blonde. It fell just past her shoulders. It was dark in the room and the lady that had led her in left, closing the door behind her. Suddenly, Taylor had a dark compulsion to bite the woman in front of her. She swooped in quickly and heard the woman practically moan in delight. She lifted her hair to reveal scars from previous bites. Before Taylor knew it she was feeding on the woman.

That's when she thankfully jolted awake. She was in terror at what she'd just seen. Taylor wanted to jump up out of bed and grab some coffee and almost had until Seth sprang up beside her. "What's wrong?", he asked hugging her close.

"I just had an awful...", she stopped, looking for just the right word, "Vision I guess would be the word."

"I'm sorry honey." He kissed her forehead and she could see his confusion as he read her mind. "That looks a lot like the place I go to so I can feed." He frowned at this. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"It's okay", she sighed, pulling from his arms and out of bed. Taylor slumped to the kitchen and began brewing a pot of coffee. Seth sat on her bed in the other room. She wasn't sure what to say to him. She wanted to tell him that it was no big deal, but really she wasn't sure what to think of everything that was going on.

He walked in quietly and sat down in one of the chairs. Taylor had felt bad for pulling away and sat in his lap. He welcomed her graciously and held her close. "So, these feeders are pretty much addicts right?"

He nodded and kissed her. She sipped on her coffee and realized something. "You don't eat do you?"

"No, I can if I need to fake it though. It just gets thrown back up later because it can't really be processed. Pretty gross actually." Taylor's face contorted at his words as she continued to sip her coffee. A life without food seemed pretty dull, but she supposed it didn't matter when you were immortal. Still, it was not something she would choose.

She began to think of the life of the women who gave themselves to vampires. How could they be so willing? Then she remembered the bite she had gotten that night. It was so painful, yet it was so blissful as well. She couldn't imagine that feeling all the time. The craving had left from the other night, but she could still remember how it felt. Suddenly, a pang of jealousy shot through her.

"Would you drink from me?", she asked.

"No!", Seth exclaimed, nearly jumping from the chair. He stayed seated, only because she was in his lap.

"Why not?", she pleaded, setting her mug down. Part of her felt that he wasn't interested in her.

"Because it's not something acceptable in my society. That makes you a Vita. It's what is known as life in Italian, but for vampires, it's a feeder that is solely yours." Seth's face turned to disgust at the thought. "To chart someone around like a pet is a terrible thing. A lot of vampires do it, but the higher society frowns on it. Lower class is more into it."

Taylor could tell from the looks of Seth he was much more upper class. Even humans knew that by looking at him. He had an all powerful aura about him that said he was boss. It helped that he wore suits all the time and was a millionaire.

"Please, just for the experience", Taylor begged. She wrapped her arms around him and placed her legs on each side. She kissed his face tenderly.

"No, I wont do that to you", he breathed from underneath her. He struggled to keep on a straight head.

"Seth, please." Taylor whispered in his ear. Almost in disbelief of herself. Why was she doing this? Some part of her had a compulsion to prove that he wanted her that way.

He sighed and kissed her back. He shook his head and pulled away. "I'm afraid to hurt you."

"You're stronger than that babe", she smiled at him. His concern already dulling that animal fury that she felt. "Please."

It was Taylor's last plea, and Seth nodded barely. His face was ashen at giving in. He looked so sad and hurt, but almost as if he had to do it. Like there was no other way.

Taylor could imagine it. Him leaning over her in her bed, biting her. She shivered with pleasure at the thought, and suddenly Seth swooped her off her feet. He carried her back to the bedroom and lay her down. Maybe, reading her mind wasn't so bad.

"Ready", he asked through gritted teeth. It seemed as if he was straining him. If he didn't want to he wouldn't right?

"Yes", Taylor answered. Her excitement growing as his lips touched her neck. His fangs protruded from his mouth and grazed her skin. She moaned from the feeling she knew was coming. His tongue licked her neck affectionately. Seth then placed his fangs on her neck and bit in slowly.

First there was pain. A heart wrenching pain that coursed through her whole body. Even though she had remembered it, she couldn't have braced for it. It was like no other. A stinging fire that burned every part of her. He continued to drank though, and the pain dulled until suddenly her body felt like every nerve was on end. She was excited and felt as if she had been on a roller coaster. The rush was so exciting, yet at the same time, it felt so sexual. It was like it was the happiest moment; pure bliss.

She moaned in delight as he sucked her blood. His hands went to the rest of her body as he climbed on top of her and started undoing her clothes. The excitement was increasing with every touch. She couldn't tell which she wanted more. Biting seemed priority at the moment however.

She became disappointed as he pulled away though, changing her excitement from a loud roar, to a dull buzz. She breathed heavily and lay stretched out on the bed. She hadn't even noticed that Seth had pulled her pants off.

"I'm so sorry", he mumbled. He turned away, ashamed of himself. "I'll never bite you again."

The vow shocked Taylor a little and she felt bad for asking him to do it, but at the same time, she couldn't deny the wonderful feeling she had felt. She wanted it again and quickly saw that she was becoming an addict. Just like the ones she had ridiculed.

"It's okay, I shouldn't of asked you to do something you didn't want to." Her guilt made her regret asking him and convincing him. That's when it clicked in her brain. She saw him get it too and he came closer to her.

"Command me to do something", he asked, breathless. His hand absentmindedly stroked her wound as she thought of what to make him do. She could feel the bite healing already.

"Pick up that box", she said pointing to a box across her room. It was full of clothes she rarely wore anymore.

"No", he replied smiling.

"Please pick up that box", she asked a little forcefully. The whole time, she screamed in her head for him to pick up the box.

"No", he forced from between his teeth. She could see that it was getting harder for him to resist.

"Pick up that box!", she yelled commandingly. Obeying her words Seth went over and picked up the box. As soon as he had it was like she had lost all command over him and his expression changed. He set the box back down and was back over to the bed in a second.

"You're much more than psychic it seems", he grinned sitting on the bed in front of her. His eyes still looked solemnn as he caught a glimpse of her neck.

Taylor covered the bite with her hair. "Yeah, apparently I'm extremely persuasive now."

Seth nodded thoughtfully. "We'll just have to figure this out as it comes. Theres no telling what else you can do. Just don't make me do that again, promise?"

Taylor nodded guiltily and scooted closer to him. "It's a bit exciting though knowing that I have an ability."

He smiled playfully at her and covered her in kisses. "My special girl." He kissed her head lightly then lay down in bed with her. "I wont ever hurt you like that again."

Taylor was going to say that it wasn't really painful, but instead bit back her words. She hoped he didn't read her thoughts that time.

Seth squinted suddenly and looked at her curiously. "I can't seem to read your thoughts anymore either." His frown grew deeper. "You seem to have very good mind control whatever your power is."

Taylor smiled mischievously and wondered what this new power of hers could do for her. "I'm excited to see what else I can do, but in the mean time can life be a little normal?"

Seth laughed, "I don't think we can have a normal life anymore, what do you think?"

Taylor soon saw that he was right. She sighed, of course not. Things were changed now, forever. She just had to accept that and deal with things as best as she could. Maybe they would level out after a while and she would figure out what all this meant.

"Well, honey as much as I'd love to lay with you, I have work to do, and a feeder appointment to get to. Even after a few minutes ago, I'm going to need a little more to finish out my day." Seth slipped out of bed and left her laying there under the covers. "Get some rest please." His eyes showed deep concern.

"I will, don't worry about that." Taylor yawned, suddenly feeling tired. Losing blood took a lot out of a person. She needed to rest and heal up so she could try to be normal for a while again. Her days were becoming messed up by her eradict sleeping patterns.

"Sleep well", he mumbled to her as he left, flicking the light switch off as he left the room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading! And if anyone is interested let me know, because I made a playlist that I think goes along really well with the story.

Please comment!