Status: Not sure that I'll ever finish. I dislike a lot of what I did with my story and am tempted to scrap the whole thing.

Blood Desires


Taylor lay in bed while Seth was at work. It had taken forever to convince him she was okay. That is was only a bad dream and that he needed to get to work. She had called in sick to the office which was fine. Taylor hadn't been writing as much lately now that she lived with Seth. It didn't seem as important anymore. Besides, she could write from her laptop without having to actually go into work.

She rolled over facing the side where Seth lay every night. She reached out as if to embrace him, but he wasn't there of course. Instead Taylor grabbed one of his pillows and held it close to her as she closed her eyes and recounted her dream. It was like one she'd had before. The difference was running into the vampires that time.

Taylor shivered and pulled the blanket up tighter. A fear crept over her at the thought that it might not just be a dream, but a vision. Was it possible for her to stop the visions she saw from happening? Maybe, but it wouldn't be easy.

Sliding out of bed, Taylor got dressed and decided she needed to find Daniel and ask him a few questions. She wasn't sure if her method would work, but she was going to try anything at this point. Strolling out into the hall she went to the elevator and got in, pressing for floor five just as Daniel had the day before. As she stepped out into the hall she glanced around. No one was around and so she closed her eyes and concentrated. She used her mind to probe the hallway, feeling for his energy. Her mind raced through the floor looking until finally she felt an apartment near the end of the hall. With her eyes still closed she walked slowly down the hall towards his apartment. Once she had reached it she stopped in front of it and sighed. Using her abilities was a draining experience, but she would have to practice to get better with them. She knocked hard on the door hoping she was at the right one.

Daniel opened the door and smiled as he saw Taylor. "Come on in." He stepped aside to let her pass, and Taylor found that the apartment was nearly the same as the one she shared with Seth. Of course the furniture was different and instead of a maroon themed apartment, the decor was a dark green with a beige.

"So what brings you here?" He grinned. He closed the door gently and stepped out in front of Taylor, spreading his arms wide. "Take a seat. This is my comfy home."

"Thank you." She took a seat quietly as she examined the entire apartment. A few items scattered the room that piqued her interest but she didn't dare ask about them at the moment. "I don't intend to stay long, but I had a question or two."

"Anything." Daniel took the seat on the couch next to her. Almost too close, causing Taylor to shiver slightly.

"Well, I've been having a lot of dreams lately." With this Daniel's eyebrows raised in interest and he turned towards her. "A lot of dreams that feel like they could be visions."

"Oh, okay." He seemed to contemplate her words for a moment before asking, "So these dreams, they feel real?"

"Yes, very real." The thought of them made Taylor squirm a little on the couch.

"Well then they probably are to be honest." Daniel just sort of shrugged at this. "Anything else?"

Taylor had to restrain from rolling her eyes. "Well, I was wondering, can a vision be stopped?"

"Oh, yes of course. Haven't you ever heard? Our future isn't set in stone." Daniel grinned flashing his white teeth. His eyes didn't move off of Taylor as he seemed to move closer to her by the second.

Taylor's breathe caught in her throat as she felt the flirty butterflies float back into her stomach. "Well, I just wanted to ask", she said quickly and stood up from the couch. "I had better go."

Daniel jumped up, "Oh, well you are welcome any time. I mean, if you really must go."

His eyes seemed to plead with her to stay and she felt that if she waited another minute to leave that she might change her mind. So reluctantly Taylor walked over to the door and left with just a simple wave and a, "See you later", called over her shoulder.

She practically sprinted down the hall to the elevator and was glad to find it empty so she could think and catch her breath in peace. Why did he affect her that way? Maybe it was his magic? Whatever the reason she would have to be more careful around him. She loved Seth. She knew that she did... right?

"Of course", she said to herself. Instantly she shook the thoughts away and smiled as she thought about Seth. So she loved Seth, but the real question was, did she like Daniel too?

Stepping out of the elevator she went back to the apartment and was frightened to find the door slightly ajar.

Taylor's heart jumped as she grasped the door handle, unsure of whether to go in or just call Seth. After a big gulp she decided not to bother him with what had probably been her own stupid fault. Maybe she just hadn't closed it when she left. It had only been a little while.

Closing her eyes and taking deep breathes she pushed the door open and stepped in. Looking around she realized that the apartment looked like a tornado had hit it. The newspaper was strewn all across the living room. The lamp was knocked over and pillows from the couch littered the floor.

Taylor ran to their bedroom to find the blankets thrown off the bed and the closet doors open. The lamp had been knocked over and shattered on the floor. Drawers had been flung open with jewelry hanging out and some littered the floor. The shock was too much for Taylor. She dropped to the floor as tears flooded her face. Someone had broken into her home with Seth and trashed the place. But why?

Yanking out her phone she called him. "Seth!", she exclaimed as he answered the phone with a serious, "Hello."

"Yes my princess, what's wrong?"

"Please, I need you. Someone broke into our apartment." Taylor tried to compose herself for his sake.

"I'll be right there." With that he hung up the phone.

Taylor propped herself up against the end of the bed and stared at the bedroom door, waiting for him to arrive. It didn't take him more then five minutes and he worked on the other side of town.