Bells Ring, Are You Listening?

Chapter One

The Church was as beautiful as life itself, even in the winter. The mountains breathed its architecture and we were the nuns of the mountains, always carrying our songs longer than written just to hear the echo of our melodies. It baffled me that God created this small scene, available to anybody with transportation. We were the only town for miles, but people came from all over the world to become closer with God and experience the ties we had with Him.

I stood now in the snow watching the sunset alone, excusing myself from choir practice for tonight. I had just became the youngest nun of the convent, and I constantly became homesick. Despite the beauty of The Church, I missed mother, and father. I missed Danielle and Joseph.

"Excuse m-me?" A strained voice said from below the stone wall I was leaning on. I peered down to see a man looking up from me. His clothes were torn and dirt covered his body. "Excuse me, S-s-sister. But may I c-come and rest here?"

His eyes pleaded, his stance was weak. He shivered from the cold and rubbed his hands together for warmth. I nodded, "Come in, please. Come in." I retrieved back into the church and hurried down the staircase.

He stumbled in and fell to the floor. "T-t-thank you so much." His shivering was controlling him, hurting him. His hands were frozen and he was suffering from frostbite.

"You'll be fine now. You've come to God's place." I helped him up and brought him into an empty room for guests, laying him on the bed. He immediatly crawled under the sheets and looked up at me. "You are a kind woman, Sister." He smiled and looked into my eyes. I blushed and turned away. I cannot let a man look at me like this.

"Get some rest. Sister Louise will take care of you when you wake up."