Bells Ring, Are You Listening?

Chapter Two

It was now two months from when the man arrived, and he quickly became friends with the nuns and the church. Although he was in his mid twenties, he followed the nuns around like a child, his curiosity leading him to ask many questions. I sat in the church now on Christmas Eve, the snow falling heavily in a blizzard-like fashion across stained glass.

"Sister Catherine?"

It was the man again -- Samuel.

"Why do you take such an interest in me, Samuel?"

It was true. Out of all the nuns, I was the one he followed most. My multiple attempts to avoid him were futile, such as this one. He cleared his throat and sat right beside me.


"Depends. Are you honestly going to lie in a church?" I laughed at the joke, and he smiled.

"It's nice to know there's humor here. I don't hear a lot of laughter as beautiful as yours." He twiddled his thumbs and leaned in closer, bringing his voice to a whsiper, "The truth is, Sister Catherine. I find you absolutely breathtaking."

"Samuel...that's innappr--" he kissed me. It was innocent, but with passion. I pulled back, and he stood up.

"Well, I'm off for a walk." He said, as if the kiss just didn't happen. I watched him walk away, and he turned, "If you would like to come, I wouldn't object."

"Samuel, I'm a nun!"

He turned to face me. "I know that." He clasped his hands behind his back. "I just needed to see something."

"And what's that?

"The other sisters are always talking about how you haven't been at home here since you've become a nun. They say you're always zoning out, becoming homesick. I never really believed it until I started to watch you more. You're miserable, Catherine!"

It was a test? A test?! I started to walk away, and he chuckled. "Just tell me you haven't wished for a man to touch you like that. Tell me the only man for you is God himself."

I stood up. "I'm a nun, Samuel. Of course the only one for me is God."

I stood up and walked towards the back of the church, and he walked out the side into the heavy snow.

Please God, forgive me, for I have sinned.