A Kiss Good-Bye, One Hundred Times

The Outcasts

I guess I should have known it would end this way, re-living my death for all eternity. I really should have, it would made things simpler, maybe even better, but I didn’t. I guess I should tell you the story, so here it goes. It all started with the end of high school party for the seniors, of coarse I was a senior, and everyone else there. But, I really wasn’t supost to be there, I wasn’t invited. If I hadn’t met or heard of the Outcasts, I might have just stayed home that night. But beggars can’t be choosers with The Outcasts, that’s not the way we roll. Looking back now, I wish I had never met those outcasts, not even my lover.

*Week before the End of High School Party, Monday Morning*

“Attention!” She screamed to the senior class, looking peeved. “Attention! If you want to come to my end of high school party, you better shut up!” She yelled, with a smile, the hallway fell silent. “Ok, good.” She said while smacking on her gum, I laughed in my head. “Well as you know I’m always having an end of the year party and this year it’s only for seniors, so buzz off losers!” She said while pointing out the freshmen and such. “Ahem,” She while composing herself. “So you know the rules, all seniors allowed, party starts at midnight, bring your own beer, blah, blah, blah.” She said while looking bored, she perked up when her friend whispered in her ear. “Oh,” She said with a smile on her face. “Ok,” She said while shifting her weight. “Right sorry but we have a new rule,” She said with a smack of her bubble gum. “Anyone from the Outcasts or anyone associated with The Outcasts will not be admitted to the party.” She said with a smirk and a flip of her hair. “That is all.” She said while turning and walking down the hallway, shaking her hips like the whore she was.
“That fucking bitch.” I said while turning to The Outcasts, I shook my head.

“God,” Frank said whiling shaking his black hair. “I can’t believe that I slept with the whore.” Gerard and Mikey laughed.

“Who hasn’t slept with that whore?” Gerard said while slapping Frank on the back.

“I haven’t.” I said with a laugh.

“You haven’t?” Bob asked me with laughter in his eyes. “Wow, you’re really missing out on something great!” And everyone burst out laughing. Gerard smiled at me with interest.

“Really,” Gerard said with a smile. “I haven’t slept with her either.” He said with a giggle, we all stared.

“I thought you did!” Ray said with a laugh. I laughed while leaning back on some lockers, shaking my head.

“No man! We only got to second base!” Gerard said while laughing and grabbing his chest, I laughed with everyone.

“Man that sucks,” Frank said with another laugh. “I thought every guy had done her.”

“Well apparently not me.” Gerard said with a sigh. “What are we going to do about the party?” Gerard said looking more serious; I pulled at the hood of my black jacket.

“I don’t know.” I said with a sigh, they looked at me. “I really wanted to go.” I said while sighing again.

“Why shouldn’t we be able to go?” Mikey asked while smiling. “It’s not like we’re freaks.” He said with a laugh.

“To her we are.” Ray said with a sigh. “We really need to do something fun to end our senior year.” Ray said while rolling his shoulders.

“Like what?” Bob asked while rolling his eyes.

“Smoking? Drinking?” Frank said while shaking his head.

“You can do all those things at the party.” I said with a flip of my hair.

“Well I guess we’ll just have to go then.” Gerard said with a smile.

“Really?” We all asked in unison.

“Well yeah, what can be more fun than crashing a party?” Gerard said while shaking his head.

“Nothing.” I said with a big smile, Gerard smiled at me, while looking down at my chest.

“That is correct.” He said with another smile, this time to the guys.

“Let’s do it!” We all yelled while high-fiving each other. Gerard slide over to me.

“Hey,” He said while looking around. “Want to come to my place tonight?”