A Kiss Good-Bye, One Hundred Times

Gerard's Girls?

“Who said we were going to have sex?” He asked while panting.

“Well what hell are we about to do?” I asked with a laugh.

“Oh that it’s just making out with all the perks.” he smiled trying to get me to come back over to him.

“Oh really?” I said with a smile. “I never heard of that.” I got up and walked towards the door.

“Wait,” Gerard said while blocking the door. “Come on I want to make out!” He said with a smile.

“Make out or sex?” I said while pushing him to move.

“Wait!” He said with pushing me. “Don’t leave!” I pushed him out of the way, opened the door, and got stopped by a tall girl.

“Whoa! Sorry!” I said while trying to get past her. She was tall and pretty, she looked a little like Gerard. She moved so I could get past.

I turned around and asked, “Um, who are you?” She smiled and said,

“Oh I’m Cassie!” She said while throwing her arm over Gerard’s shoulder. “Who are you?” She asked with a giggle.

“Oh, I’m Ariel.” I said with a smile, I loved her My Chemical Romance shirt.

“Oh are you one of Gerard’s girls?” She asked Gerard elbowed her in the ribs. “Ow!” She yelled.

“One of Gerard’s girls?” I asked with a look at Gerard.

“Oh yeah,” She said while pulling me away. “He brings a new girl home every night,” She smiled and laughed. “I’m always wondering where he finds them.” She giggled again. “One looked like a hooker,” She laughed. “She was like 25 years old!” I gaped at her, she laughed. “So you’re one right? One of his girls?” I stared at her and said,

“Well I guess.” She laughed.

“Has he got in your pants yet?” She asked with a laugh.

“Almost.” I said with a smile, she laughed.

“Well it’s good you didn’t let him in.” She giggled, I laughed with her. “What did he do to get you to get in there?” She asked with a laugh.

“Oh he bought me a pretty dress,” I looked at my shoes. “And he said we weren’t going to have sex.” She laughed, I sighed and laughed.

“Yeah that’s how he gets them.” She laughed and smiled.

“I can’t believe it,” I said with a laugh.

“Yeah he does that to girls.” She looked at me. “Are you in The Outcasts?”

“Yes,” I said with a laugh, she looked surprised.

“Wow, they don’t usually admit girls,” She looked at me and said, “They never did,”

“Until now.” I said with a grim smile. “I wonder why.” I said a laugh.

“Yeah,” Cassie said a smile. I was about the answer her when I heard a sound. Gunfire.