A Kiss Good-Bye, One Hundred Times

A Deadly Fight

“Oh my god!” I screamed, running into the hallway, Cassie behind me.

“You fucking bitch!” Gerard screamed holding the gun in his hand. “I never should have trusted you.” He said, spitting with venom.

“Don’t shoot me Gerard,” The girl said while holding up her hands. “I didn’t mean it, really.” She looked at me; I was in shock, Minnie? “I really didn’t.” Gerard looked at her and sighed, setting down the gun.

“Yeah I know,” he said while looking at me. “It wasn’t your fault that I had to leave so soon.” He smiled at her and winked.

“Oh why did you have to leave anyway?” She asked chomping on her gum, god what a moron.

“Oh, I had to do some things….” He drifted off and smiled.

“Well it really sucked when you left like, right when we where so close to doing it.” She looked hurt. “I mean you ran out of the closet like it was on fire.” She sniffed and looked away.

“Wait what closet?” I asked, a bad feeling creeping into my stomach. She looked at me and sighed.

“The janitor’s closet,” She smiled and said, “It was today.” She wasn’t smiling when I jumped on her.

“You fucking bitch!” I screamed pulling at her hair. “I hope you fucking die!” I punched her face, blood smeared on her face. “Never mind,” I said while ripping her hair out. “I’ll do it myself.”

“NO!” Gerard screamed trying to pull me off. I hit her harder, tears falling from my now bloody eyes, she could punch back.

“Fuck you!” I said while pushing him off, nothing would stop me from killing her.

“I said to fucking stop!” Gerard said while pulling at me again. She bit my arm; I dug my fingernails into her cheek.

“Ow!” She screeched, pulling my hair, I bent her arm backwards, feeling to bones in her arm snap. “Oh my god! You fucking broke my arm!” She yelled, I laughed and went right on killing her.

“Please stop!” Gerard whispered, pulling at me still, I started choking her, she bucked, trying to throw me off.

“You’re not getting away that easy bitch.” I said choking her harder, she gagged. Gerard pulled away, whispering something I couldn’t hear. The light in her eyes started to fade; I pulled away, panting in fear.

“Is she dead?” Cassie asked, I didn’t look, I stared at Minnie, waiting to see the rise of her chest, waiting for her to breathe.

“No,” I whispered, wiping the blood from my eyes. “But she’s close.”