A Kiss Good-Bye, One Hundred Times

'You're my bitch now.'

I blink awake, feeling painful all over. I quickly sit up, I moan, and fall back, not a good idea.

“Fuck,” I groaned, lying back on the bed. I closed my eyes into slits; the bright white lights hurt my eyes. “Fuck.” I looked down at the tubes flowing out of my arms and sighed. “What the hell happened?” I tried to look back into my memory, it was all fuzz. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I screamed, what the fuck was happening to me? I closed my eyes a little more, wanting to fall asleep and forget the whole thing. I guess that wasn’t going to happen because 10 people marched into my room, making my eyes fly open.

“She’s awake!” The doctor yelled, pointing at a cute male nurse. “Get the doctor.” Woops, I guess the guy was a nurse too.

“Yes sir,” The cutie said, walking out the door. The ‘fake doctor’ as I will now call him walked over to me and said,

“What the hell did you do to get in this condition?” Wow, no, ‘you’re going to be fine miss ’or, ‘how are you feeling?’ Nope, just a stupid question I didn’t know how to answer. He looked down at me and said in an impatient tone, “Well?” I looked at him and said,

“Well how the hell should I know?” I smiled at him, hoping he would get mad, I wanted him to. He looked at me with a smile and said,

“Well since your memory is messed up too, maybe we can ask one of your weirdo friends.” I stared at him, I was appalled. He couldn’t say that about my friends! Now I was furious!

“Hell you stupid ass fucker!” I hissed, looking at him in the eye. “You don’t call my friends weirdoes,” I grabbed his shirt, groaning with the effort. “You got it ass wipe?” I whispered, loosing energy fast. “Well,” I asked shaking him a little, where did everyone go? “Do ya?” He looked at me in fear.

“Um….yes,” He whispered, wiggling in my grasp.

“Yes what?” I hissed pulling his pimpled face closer.

“Yes mam?” He whispered, looking towards the door.

“Yeah that’s right,” I whispered, letting him go. Just as he was backing towards the door I said with a laugh, “You’re my bitch now.”