A Kiss Good-Bye, One Hundred Times

Drowning in Blood

First of all: I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while, school troubles....but here you go!

I laughed as he backed out of the room, but that soon ended with a fit of coughing. I gripped my chest, wheezing for breath, my eyes bugging out of my head, tears filling them.

“Oh my god,” I whispered, looking down at my blood filled hand, my heart seemed to freeze mid beat, my breath coming out as sharp wheezes, I closed my eyes.
“Oh no,” It was still there. Like it wouldn’t, like I’d close my eyes and the blood would just disappear. Yeah right. “No,” I whispered, letting out another cough, my body spasmed from the effort. I scrambled desperately for the nurse button, not knowing how long I had to live.
“Help,” I gasped, scraping at the walls by my bed. “Help. Me.” I let out a slow, agonizing cough, blood shot across the room, my head spinned.
“No. I. Don’t. Want. To. Die.” I whispered, drowning in my own blood.
“Not. Yet.” I couldn’t reach it, my hands seemed to short. “Too. Soon.” My eyes seemed to be slowly closing, my movement slowed, my breathing labored, covered in blood.
“No.” I finally gasped out, my eyes finally snapping shut, my body spasmed with one last cough, and I was gone…..