6 Words Can Tell a Story Like a Raindrop Starts a War

6 word stories for rae.'s contest. These are pretty much stories of my life.
  1. Writer's Block
    - - I spend most of my life in this state
  2. Girl's Best Friend
    - - They just cuddle so well!
  3. I'm a Comedian, Okay?
    - - I have such a dirty mind that this is all I ever say that actually qualifies as 'humour'.
  4. Balance
    - - I have none.
  5. Employment
    - - McDonald's.
  6. Favourite Word
    - - Memorized in 6th grade.
  7. Notebooks
    - - You need a new one for every story idea. Duh.
  8. Best Excuse
    - - Just stop coming to my door, okay?