Electric Bird


When I was 7 all I wanted to do was become a veterinarian but when I was 8 my dog died and I decided that I didn’t want to be one anymore because I didn’t want to watch other animals die.

When I was 9 I went to the Disneyland and instantly wanted to be one of the princesses when I grew up. But this wish faded when I turned 10 and decided that being a princess wasn’t cool.

I discovered rock music when I was 11 and I instantly dreamed of being a rock star and playing in front of hundreds of people. But in a matter of time I was against this dream because I thought the guitar was too hard to play after 2 weeks of lessons.

When I was 12 I wanted to be a fashion designer and design clothes that models from Paris will wear on the runway and in fashion magazines.

When I was 13 I wanted to be a baker and have my own bakery and bake cakes and cupcakes of all the sorts.

When I turned 14 I had the dream of being an artist and showcasing my art in galleries all over the world. But my artistic abilities were for the average and I then decided that being an artist wasn’t right for me.

But it was when I was 15 that I couldn’t think of something to be. I couldn’t stick to one thing and it seemed as though my life revolved around doing absolutely nothing.

My life was below average and far too uneventful for myself to handle. I was bored with myself and the world and the only thing to do was to wait for something to happen.

Or simply, invent myself a life.