Electric Bird


“You. Me. Tomorrow. Mall. Be there.”

“I’m flattered, Tay. I really am, I’m just not interested.”

Taylor rolled her eyes at my comment a dull look on her face. She obviously didn’t find my remark as funny as I did, as I let out an amused giggle.

“But seriously, dude. We need to go to the mall for school shopping,” She said, stuffing a slice of orange in her mouth from her little zip lock bag.

I stared confusedly at her, tilting my head to the side and biting into my sandwich.

“What do you mean ‘school shopping’? School already started silly, see?” I said pointing to the school campus around us as if Taylor was really that slow.

“I know that,” She said, rolling her eyes absentmindedly as if I were the one acting stupidly, “But I want to go shopping and I need an excuse so my mom will give me money. Besides, it’s only been what? A month? It could still be considered school shopping.”

Actually, it has been almost 3 months since school started. But I just shrugged and looked around the campus pretending I was looking for someone so I wouldn’t have to continue on the subject.

Taylor can from a rich family and although she was far from acting like a spoiled brat, she wasn’t exactly keen on keeping it a secret that she had lots of money. And of course it didn’t help that she got absolutely everything she wanted, and I well, didn’t. I wasn’t exactly jealous because I had known Taylor long enough to get used to it, it just gets uncomfortable and made me feel a bit low-class.

I watched Layla make her way toward us, her cheerleading skirt swaying back and forth as she walked.

“Hola,” Layla greeted, tossing her bag on the table and smiling excitedly.

“Wha’?” Taylor said looking at her with a mouth full of oranges.

“Well… you know that Matt guy I was telling you guys about?”

“The Matt guy from the football team or the Matt from the baseball team?” I asked looking at her confusedly.

“No, no, no. The Matt from the volleyball team,” Layla said, her excited smile still in place.

“Matt from the volleyball team? I don’t think I remember him…” I mumbled as I tried to remember who she was talking about.

“Wasn’t she talking about the Matt from the water polo team, Birdie?” Taylor asked me, as she wiped her face.

I shrugged, obviously just as lost as Taylor was.

“Ok, whatever. Anyways, he came up to be in passing periods and guess what?”

“He asked you out, obviously…” Taylor said, rolling her eyes.

“Yup, Friday we’re going to the movies!”

“How are you guys gunna get there?”

“…… His older sister is gunna take us.”

I stifled a laugh.

“Ha, lameeee,” Taylor bellowed as she threw an orange peel at Layla.

“It’s not lame I think it’s cute!” Layla protested as she flicked the orange peel off her skirt.

“Well what do you expect, Taylor? He’s a freshman, he’s not even old enough to drive,” I told to Taylor, shrugging.

“I suppose. I aim for older guys though…” Taylor trailed off after this as her eyes lingered to a table not to far from us full of juniors and seniors.

“Like they would be interested in a couple of freshman like us,” I said as I looked at the group too. None of them seemed appealing or cute to me anyways, so I didn’t really feel like I was missing out.

“Actually, last week a junior asked me to prom,” Layla said shrugging absentmindedly.

Taylor and I looked at her.

“What did you say?”

“Turns out he didn’t know I was a freshman.”


“I got to go, Matt’s gunna help me with Mr. Richard’s essay for English.”

“Matt your date?” Taylor asked as we watched Layla heave her huge cheer bag over her shoulder.

“No, Matt from the baseball team,” Layla said before running off.

“Hey, tomorrows Friday, wanna go spy on Layla and Matt?”

I shrugged, “I have nothing else to do.”

Taylor laughed.

“Birdie, you never do.”

And then she plopped another slice of orange in her mouth.
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