Electric Bird


Lizzie asked if I needed a ride home from school. I didn’t know if she asked because it was a sisterly thing to do or if she just thought I looked rather pathetic walking home alone. I declined the offer though, mostly because the exercise didn’t bother me the least bit and it gave me a bit time to myself.

“Suit yourself,” Lizzie shrugged before driving off and leaving me alone on the sidewalk. We had a fairly good sister relationship, but being a senior and having a boyfriend, Lizzie had many other things on her hand besides her little sisters.

“Mom!” I yelled, as I shut the door to our little house. Receiving no answer I quickly went to the phone and dialed her number.

“Hey honey, how was school?” She answered quickly trying to sound pleasant but she sounded stressed and over worked.

“Fine. Can I go to the mall with Taylor?”

A sigh came from the other end of the receiver.

“You can’t. I have to work over time tonight and I need you to babysit, Libby.”

“Why can’t Lizzie babysit?”

“Because, Lizzie has to work.”

“Can’t Mrs. Olivar watch her?”

“Birdie, you know Mrs. Olivar already helps watch her after school. I can’t ask her to do anymore.”

“Yeah, but-”

“Don’t start, Birdie. You know how much I have to work to make ends meet for us. You can not go.” There was much irritation in her voice now, and I instantly felt bad.

“Yeah alright, bye Mom.”

“Thank you,” Her voice was much calmer when she said this, before hearing the click of the receiver.

I grabbed my phone, sending a text to Taylor saying I couldn’t go because I had to babysit Libby for my Mom. Her only reply was an unhappy face. She was probably used to me letting her down on hanging out already.

Libby was dropped off 5 minutes later, leaving the rest of my Friday to be spent with my 6 year old sister. It wasn’t that I had a problem watching Libby it was just that I got tired of having the same routine. I wanted something else to do with my life besides going to school, bailing on friends and babysitting.


“Libby, get out from under the table.”

“Meow.” This time the meow came with a long hiss.

“Libby, you are not a cat. Get off from under the table.”

“Hey, I’m home!” The front door slammed as Lizzie came into the kitchen.

“Where have you been? You shift ended 3 hours ago,” I asked looking at her confusedly.

“Yeah, I know. I wasn’t working, I was at Brendon’s house.”

I stared at Lizzie, dumbfounded.

“You made me watch Libby all day while you were at your boyfriend’s house?”

Lizzie stared at me guiltily.

“I know, I know. But we haven’t gotten to spend much time together lately. With him and his mom making him raise up his grades and me and water polo practice.”

I sighed shrugging, “Whatever.”

“Thank you!” I heard her yell as I left the kitchen and walked to my room, thoroughly pissed.
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