Never Ready to Leave


Maya’s hands gripped the chocolate bar in her pocket, her mouth already watering from just the feeling off the little bricks of cocoa and milk.

Kenzie was chewing on her Sour Patch Kids and taking sips of her Slurpee, not even effected by the chocolate bar in Maya’s pocket.

Maya thumbed the bar and licked her lips. She took the bar out of her pocket and stared at it, slightly shielding it from the hot sun. “You know, maybe Mitchell will forget if I just take a little bit--”

And just like lightening, Kenzie’s hand was snatching the bar away and tucking it safely in her back pants pocket of her tiny shorts.

“What the hell!”

Kenzie took another slurp of the blue slush and then opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. “Is my tongue blue yet?”

Maya glared. “Why did you take it from me?”

Kenzie sighed. “Mellie, if you eat this chocolate bar, Mitchell will know, and he will be mad. So I took it because you were thinking about it. Here, have a Sour Patch Kid.” Kenzie offered her bag and Maya just glared at it too.

“No.” Maya sulked.


The girls sat in the cool grass in the front of Maya’s house, much like they were the other day when Maya ate Mitchell’s gift.

The chocolate bar was safe by Kenzie’s side, who had by now eaten all her Sour Patch Kids and was moping with her half-melted Slurpee. She sipped it again.

Maya toed the grass with her flip flop and stole a sideways glance at the chocolate bar.

She threw herself at Kenzie, half landing in her lap and half landing on the grass. “Please Kenzie! Can I just have a little bit?!”


Maya sighed and got back up, composing herself and crossing her arms over her chest. “You have no heart.”

Kenzie’s comeback was interrupted by the familiar voice calling out a ‘hey!’. They hadn’t told him their names since yesterday. Both of the girls’ heads turned to see Mitchell walking towards them with a small smile on his face.

“Did you get my chocolate?”

Maya sulked a little more, glaring at the blades of grass at Mitchell’s feet. She was taught it was rude to glare straight at the person. Unless it was Kenzie.

Kenzie nodded at him and smiled too. “Yes, we did. Here you go.” The chocolate bar was exchanged between the two people and he laughed lightly, looking to Maya.

“You do know that the chocolate bar you ate was five pounds,” Mitchell said, “you still owe me like, nine more of these little ones.”

Maya whined and fell back onto the grass. “Why me?!”

Kenzie shook her head. “So dramatic.” She turned to Mitchell and stuck out her tongue. “Is my tongue blue?”

Mitchell studied the tongue before him. “I’d say it’s more purpley-pink than blue.”

Kenzie sighed, defeated and fell back onto the grass too.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short, but it's an update.
hope you enjoy!
Comments make us smile and flail.