Never Ready to Leave


Maya was moping, stomach-down on the grass and glaring at Mitchell's black slip-on Keds as he and Kenzie talked and laughed, plucking away at the grass. This was the third day (and the third chocolate bar Maya had not been allowed to have,) they'd met Mitchell on her lawn, and it seemed that Kenzie and Mitchell were getting to know each other very well. Sighing, Maya turned over onto her stomach, and decided to go into her house to find a notebook and a pencil.

"Hey, wait up!" Kenzie said, getting up and motioning for Mitchell to do the same, as he followed the two girls uncertainly into Maya's small house.

The small brick house was much like Mitchell's, except for the fact it was sweltering inside. Maya stripped off her hoodie into a tank top, and went to open a window, as Kenzie fiddled with an expensive looking sound system, before the speakers started pumping Whatever You Like by TI, and Maya rolled her eyes as she started to dig around for her notebook. Not able to find it in the living room, she sighed before heading down the hallway. Mitchell raised his eyebrows as Kenzie motioned for him to follow.

There was only two bedrooms in the hall, it seemed, and the third door led to a small bathroom. However, Maya randomly went into the bathroom to grab a crowbar.

"Okay, wait." Mitchell said, astonished. "Who puts crowbars in their b-"

Maya silenced him with a finger and started to scrape the ceiling of the hallway with the crowbar, before a sudden 'click.' Maya had found the latch, which swung open into a hatch, which turned into one of those little staircases. Maya casually unhooked the crowbar and started up the stairs, as did Kenzie, as Mitchell stared in astonishment. He quickly followed Kenzie, not wanting to miss out on anything.

"This is Maya's bedroom." Kenzie explained, before disappearing into the crawlspace. Mitchell followed, and immediately banged his head. The first thing he noticed was the almost cramped space. The two girls, much shorter than Mitchell, had no trouble crawling through the shimmyhole before the roof raised up enough so Maya could stand and Kenzie could slouch slightly. Mitchell was highly unsuccessful at this, banging his head again on a beam that stretched over the hole before making it into the tiny, cozy nook of the house.

It was minimally furnished and overly messy - Mitchell's eyes went wide at the sight of the ceiling, which was covered in everything from Polaroids to pages ripped out of magazines, artwork that was printed off a computer or painted directly onto the ceiling and the beams, and Mitchell wanted to rip everything down and rearrange them in neat lines, but compressed his need and focused on Maya, who was Indian-legged on her bed, a mattress on the ground, along with Kenzie, tapping away on a tiny laptop before she shut it closed and started tossing the sheets and thick white duvet off her bed, finally finding a lage black notebook.

Kenzie patted down a patch of bed for Mitchell to sit on, the bare, white and blue pinstriped bed looking comfortable, as Mitchell was practically crouching. Gratefully, he leaped to the spot on the bed, landing on the spot and dangling a bit off the other edge. Maya flipped the notebook open and Kenzie looked around for pencils, and Mitchell stared, watching Maya's sketches. They were simple, definitely not the kind of art he drew, but he was mesmerized by the meshes of watercolor over some of the pages. there were melds of blue and purple and turquoise and dove gray, a mesh of colors that muted and blended into each other. The song blaring downstairs changed into a song Mitchell didn't recognize at first, before realizing it was Metric, as Maya started whisper-singing under her breath.

Kenzie finally returned to the bed with three pencils, and Maya flipped open to a blank page. Kenzie handed a pencil to everybody - and suddenly Kenzie and Maya were bent over the notebook, sketching. Kenzie looked up to Mitchell and grinned. "Join in!"

Everybody was scribbling - Maya was drawing faces, eyes and shapes, doodling words onto the sheet, while Kenzie seemed to be drawing random images, almost poetic in a strange way. Mitchell doodled little monsters, based after the new Alex Pardee drawing he'd seen on the website, with freakishly large eyes compared to the tiny bodies, one which lurked on the edge of Kenzie's drawing.

"Crap." Maya announced suddenly, jolting upwards. "I got pencil all over my sheets."

"You're welcome." Kenzie chimed, grinning as Maya frowned at the two still doodling on the sketchbook.

"I hate you two." Maya grumbled, before jumping off her bed and going down the stairs.

Mitchell raised his eyebrows and Kenzie rolled her eyes. "She doesn't mean it."

"I hope not." He replied, before returning to his drawings.