Status: Adding as I think them up.

Deeper Meanings

6 words can describe a lot about someone.

Write A Story in only 6 Words contest
  1. False Pretense?
    As the title says.
  2. Innocence
    To my little cousin
  3. Mark my Mind And Words, that's sad.
  4. Animosity
    Because hate is still a passion.
  5. Mixed up
  6. Just nod and smile
    Don't patronize me
  7. Numbness?
  8. Another countless Story
    I'm smiling. On the inside. You just can't see it. it the other way around?
  9. The sign says Obey
    Some rules are meant to be broken
  10. T's not so bad -cough-
    Its all a facade
  11. Hope Peace and Love
    these things i live by
  12. What is Love?
  13. I wonder.
  14. The risen shall fall.
  15. Bad dreams Fill her sleep
  16. Secret
  17. I'm not sure if that counts.
  18. Subtle Glares
  19. That, My dear friend C, is utter rubbish, indeed.
  20. "Girl" Talk
  21. Sirens Song
  22. A sinful craving
  23. Perfect
  24. Blank.