If You Still Care Don't Ever Let Me Know

Chapter 7

Brian sat outside his house and honked the horn. He wasn't allowed back into the house since Michelle found out her husband was expecting two more children. He watched the front door hoping that she would come out to it.

His heart almost lept out of his chest when he saw the tall brunnet figure walking towards him with three children in tow. A smile came to his lips. She's going to talk to me, his head screamed with joy. But as soon as those thoughts appeared, they disappeared.

"Hi Brian." Valary said, waiting for him to open the door to take the baby. "Everyone is fine. Kris's bottle's are in his bag. Jamie is all good, he's lots of news from school, don't you buddy?" Valary rubbed his hair with her free hand causing the young boy to giggle. "And Nathan... Well he probably has guy stuff to talk about with you." She frowned watching him get into the car.

"Thanks Val," Brian spoke sincerely, taking his currently youngest child into his hold. He gave some cooes before walking to the other side of the car. Valary took the toddler and helped him into his car seat, watching Brian out of the corner of her eye.

The two adults closed the doors of the car at the same time. Brian walked around to his sister in law, he watched the front door as he walked around. "She still doesn't want to see you." Valary was the first to speak. "She's hurting just like her mom. The poor kid," She sighed and leaned again the vechical. "She's come close to dropping out of school, she's getting bullied and teased -"

"Val." Brian stopped her. "I know. I fucked up. If I could go back and change everything I would." He snapped at her. "I'm sorry, just don't let her drop out. She looks up to you." Valary agreed with him. "By the way, love the hair colour." he mocked her.

Valary smirked and let out a light laugh. "Thanks," she puffed up her hair at the side. "It's a wig. Thought I'd fuck with your head today."

Brian got into the car with a dissatisfied smirk on his face.

The father got to his condo in no time, pulling into the underground car park, Nathan grabbed his bag and went straight into the house, leaving Brian to get the small children out.

"Ok, Jay." He unstrapped the toddler, and set him down on the ground. He grabbed his son's bag from the foot well and turned to hand it to the young boy. "Take your bag buddy." The toddler stood with his arms folded, shaking his head violently. "Jamie." His father said sternly, but it wasn't working. Instead the toddler ran inside.

"Sounds about right." He sighed and walked around to the other side of the car, throwing the bag over his shoulder. "At least I have one of you guys on my side." At that moment Kris decided to test his fathers hearing in a high pitched cry.