If You Still Care Don't Ever Let Me Know

Chapter 9

Brian paced up and down in corridor of the hospital. He'd eventually gotten a hold of Brooke, who'd reluctantly came over under the condition that her boyfriend could go over. Brian had agreed and threw a box of condoms at the young man before he'd left the condo.

Not only had Krystle decided to go into labour three weeks early so did Britney. Brian really thought he was going to cry when he got the second call. This kind of thing only ever happened in movies, not to real people.

He went from room to room just to check on how his babies where coming. He'd paid for everything for the two of them. He thought it was for his kids, but by the looks of things it was for the young women to spend on themselves.

Brian had even paid rent on a house for them. And bought two cars so they could go to doctors appointment and meet Brian for updates. Yet, looking at their clothes, hair and nails they where taking him to the cleaners.

Neither of them wanted Brian in the rooms when they where going to give birth. This upset him a little. But there was nothing he could do, only pace from room to room.

He whipped out his phone and went to Michelle's contact details. He'd text her earlier saying Brooke was minding the younger kids for a couple of hours and then Matt would be over. He hadn't gotten a text back. He was panicking, she always talked him through the births of their children. She's even get a laugh from watching Brian's face squirm.

He'd text Brooke who gave him back short answered replies. His baby girl hated him. He frowned, hoping to god that his first daughter would be his only one. He didn't need to be cut out of her forever.

The screams get louder from Britney's room first. He kept walking up to her door waiting for the sound of a new child's scream but in the middle of that the same thing was happening in Krystle's room.

He wanted a cigarette so bad, he couldn't handle this two rooms at once. Two babies at once. He just wanted this sick dream to be over already. Soon enough his prayers where answered.

"Mr. Haner," a nurse came out of both rooms at the same time. The two almost together, announced the births of his two young mistresses children. "It's a girl."

Brian went pale and just started walking. He walked out of the maternity wing of the hospital and sat on the kirbing. He lit up cigarette after cigarette. Starring into the parking lot. He wasn't sure how long he'd been out there but he didn't move.

"Hey," Matt tapped his friends shoulder. "Michelle is home and has the kids. Vals with the boys, so here I am for moral support." He sat down and took the butt from his friend and began smoking it himself. "So, are you a daddy again?"

"Two girls." Brian then started laughing, hysterically. "How the fuck did I get here? Why did I do this? What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't need more kids. I don't need more girls in my life." He then fell silent and looked to his friend for help. "Help me."

"Have you seen them yet?" Matt asked. Brian shook his head. "Come on, you've to do this sooner rather than later." The two men strode into the hospital and where pointed in the direction of Brian's new children. "I'm right behind you. Well I'm gonna wait out here."

Brian let out a muffled laugh and walked in. Matt stood there at the door, just waiting to see if his friend would call him in. But less than two minutes later he walked out the door with a smile going from ear to ear.

"Not mine!" He almost screamed with delight.

Matt poked his head in the door. The two young women sat in the beds, with scarlet cheeks. Matt then looked to the bundles in their arms. He frowned, then started to smile seeing two very dark coloured babies.