The Best Game


It was a strange night, there seemed to be a chill in the air. The cold streets stretched out in front of me, bathed in an eerie green glow and crowded with the swirling tendrils of the descending fog. The night air was harsh on my skin and seemed to seep into my very core.

I knew something bad was going to happen. Something bad always happens to people when it feels like this outside. It also didn’t help that I seemed to be the only one on these streets at the moment. I started walking faster as I tried to get to my apartment as soon as possible. Probably not the best idea to spend the whole day watching horror movies about killers.

I mean that murder was still being shown on the news. Which means he wasn’t caught yet. He could very well be walking behind me right now. As if to prove my thought, I heard a twig snap behind me. I quickly turned around to check it out and saw a stray cat walking across the road.

Calm down Indigo. No one is out here. The murders were in a town almost three hours away from here; there is no way that he will be able to find you.

I was about twenty minutes away from my apartment when I heard footsteps behind me. I knew this wasn’t my paranoia; there was really someone behind me. I started running as fast as I could and the footsteps sped up. I really wish I had taken track in high school; right now I would need that speed. I was almost to the apartment building when a hand grabbed my arm. Of course, like any sane person would, I screamed.

“Indigo, calm down!” A voice behind me said. How did the murderer know my name? Wait, I know that name. I turned around to face the person and saw my brother. “Trying to blow my ear drums?” He grumbled.

“Sorry,” I laughed lightly. “I thought you were a murderer.”

“You watch too many movies.” He rolled his eyes. “You forgot your purse at my house.” He took my small black purse out of his coat pocket and handed me it. “I thought you might need it.”

“Oh, thanks. I wouldn’t have been able to even get into my apartment without this, or call for help.” He nodded then turned around and walked off. I sighed and combed my fingers through my hair and walked into the building. “See? No murderer. Just your brother.” I mumbled to myself as I walked up the stairs to the second floor. When I got to my door and put my key into the keyhole it was already unlocked. “Probably just forgot to lock it when I left. I do it all the time.” I said as I walked into the apartment.

I shut the door and made sure I locked it then set my purse on the kitchen counter and turned on a light. I was still expecting something to jump out at me but when I turned on the light nothing happened. Nothing was even wrong with the apartment. Everything was just as it was when I left. “Just calm down, no one is here.” I mumbled as I made my way to my bedroom. I walked into my bedroom and started taking off my coat. I jumped a bit when I felt something rub against my ankles. “Hey Tucker.” I smiled as I picked up my gold retriever puppy. It licked my face a little bit then I set it on my bed.

I went over to my bureau and find a set of pajama’s to wear then started changing my clothes. I just took off my shirt when my lights shut off. “I know I paid my electric bill this month, and we’re not having a storm.” I mumbled as I walked to my night stand and grab the flashlight in the drawer. Just as I had opened the drawer I felt an arm around my waist and a cloth on my mouth. It smelt weird and I tried to stop breathing in, but I couldn’t help and the last thing I remembered before I blacked out was some guy laying me on the floor and standing over me with a rope.


When I woke up I was sitting in a room, tied to a chair. I lifted my head and tried to move my hands. Everything was tied up. I rocked back and forth trying to get the chair to fall and break. Part of my plan worked. I fell sideways, but the chair didn’t break. A few seconds after I fell to the side the door in the room opened up and light flooded in. I looked up to see who it was and my eyes grew bigger as I saw the guy from the news.
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820 words.
Genre: Horror