Running with a wolf


"Bruce" (pause) "Dixon"
"Thank you"
After this brief encounter with the bit of skirt behind the desk, I was lead off to the right down a corridor through a set of double doors and away, through another corridor spatted with a depressing Greene blue paint, then pushed in to a room and set behind a table, the handcuffs came off and all uniform left.
Now for a game I call "tap the mic", in interview rooms, such as this, there is a microphone plugged into audio equipment, but more importantly into the room behind the one way glass, now in the time you get to Stu before the interview, you simply tap the microphone, but if done right it releases a high pitched noise that rings and consequently annoys the Police. (I only found this out from being Bord in a police station in rural Scotland with very bad soundproofing,ah memories).
Boom. Boom, getting louder, EEO, ah such a wonderful sound.
Very soon after, a familiar face stepped into the room went to the chair and clutched his stomach when sitting down.
"Mr Dixon" came the harsh, hurt voice
"Officer" came the mild, cool tone
"You quite clearly are not an overweight, successful fraudster, but an athletic, homeless, stray" said the Constable "so tell me why you chose to run from the police after two officers called for another man."
I sucked on my top lip before answering, "I fancied a run"
"Across ten houses and a bookies?" came the newly stressed voice. no answer, "but as well as waisting police time, you have one count of squatting" this was met with a confused look, "in a Roch dale field ,having an alcohol fueled party" now seeing the Penney drop, he continued, "theft of a Rolls-Roy's"
"Great car" I replied.
"Drink driving"
"In a field, to my defense"
"And joy riding"
"Until the tree got in the way"
"All the above on the same night" announced the officer in a bemused tone, this was met with an apologetic grin, so he continued, "two counts of public indecency"
"Ah now, not entirely my fault see, the tramp coming out of the shower did take a fancy to everything from the waist down, so yeah he did nick my clothes"
"And the other"
"Try as I might I can't bread in captivity" the line accompanied by a smug grin."can I go now"
"You" stated the police man " will spend the night in a cell while your fate is decided"
No I can't stay in a cell, due to extreme claustrophobia I live in a tent.
"I plead bail"
"Ha, you are a flight risk and don't show up for hearings, so no, you will not get bail"
"can I pay a fine, any thing?"
Crash the table and mic flew across the room, this knocked the interviewer across the room and winded him a second time in two hours, I flew out of the door and ran down the hall,
followed by another officer, I dropped to the ground, the pursuer tripped over me and I in turn leaped over him through the double doors and ran to freedom.
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O.K sorry to all car fans mibba will not let me correctly wright Rolls-Roy's (an extra apostrophe)

Plus sorry about the "bit of skirt" I'm not sexist, it's just how I want the character to seem.