Status: I'm Working On It! :)

The Unexpected Love

The Unexpected Love

MP’ Pov
Wow. I have never had such an awesome dream. I dreamt that I fell asleep with a beautiful girl in my arms. I started to get up when I noticed that the same girl I dreamed about was actually in my arms. Wow so I didn’t dream it!
Ahh, So cute I heard me brothers say. I smiled to myself. But there was just one problem, I felt a sudden movement under me so I gently pulled away and then she turned around I looked down on her and her eyes where open and she was in shock. Wow her eyes were pretty I smiled and she jumped up so fast I collided back. I fell off the hospital bed and I got up and looked at her she was in shock not moving. What to do. As I tried to figure out what to do with her I heard my brothers snickering. Stupid idiots.
Marina’s Pov
I couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t a dream it was real. As I looked at him in shock he just looked at me with the amazingly beautiful smile he was born with. I saw his brothers leave, but I just sat there staring at him. The silent was unbearable until he broke it.
MP: umm…hi am…*gets cut off*
Me:*in shock* Joe Jonas *questioning her self*
Joe:*smiles but the turns serious* no…I’m Joe Jonas you are*motions for her to answer*
Me:*giggles*I know…I mean your Joe Jonas…and I am Marina*sticks out her hands*
Joe:*smiles and shakes her hand*
Me:*confused*Joe how did I get here*looks at him*
Joe:*looks down* Well…um I was running away from fans and I lost control and kind of ran into you and rammed you down and knocked you unconscious*smiles innocently*
Me:*shocked and speechless*Umm…Umm…What?
Joe:*laughs* Yea I um…got scared so I brought you to the hospital. Sorry*looks down*
Me:*Giggles* it’s ok…thank you so much…um….did you happen to see my cell phone*blushes*
Joe:*looks down*um…about you cell phone I kind of broke it*hands it to her*
Me:*Shocked and tears up*Um….My phone*looks at her phone and turns it over in her hand*
Joe:*feels bad* I am so sorry*smiles*but I thought this might help*Shows her a new cell phone*
Me:*Screams* OMJ…ahh…seriously?*jumps in Joe arms and gives him a big kiss on the cheek*
Joe:*blushes and pulls away* glad you like it*smiles*
Marina:*freaking out* Joe are you kidding me? I love it
Joe:*smiles*glad you like it
Joe’s Pov
Why do I feel this way around her? I feel like I can tell her anything. I feel like I do be myself. Why does she make me feel this way? When she hugged me I didn’t want to let go, and when I look in her eyes. I see sadness and yet happiness. I feel like I need to know her. But wait I know nothing about this girl expect her name. I don’t even know anything. I just know that I can’t be with out her. When she smiles my heart skips a beat. Just everything about her.
‘Well I am going to call the doctor!’ I told her I left the room to get a doctor. I came back with a doctor and Marina’s meds in hand.
Doctor: Ok*looks at me* Make sure she takes these and that she rest. I’ll be back in a while to check on her.
‘Thanks Doc’. I told him as I looked and smiled at Marina. I noticed her blushing and it made me smile to myself. As the doctor left I sat back in the chair I was in before and we just talked. We talked about her family and mine. About how she was a huge fan of ours and how I was her favorite. That literally made me blush and it made my heart skip a beat. Then is struck me! Might as well just ask her out, but wait I don’t even know her age. I looked down and said.’ So Marina when’s your birthday?’ She smiled that I good thing? Right? I heard her giggle and say’ December 16’. I smiled.’ Really’ I questioned her. ‘Yup’ she kept giggling. I smiled. ‘How old are you’ I blatantly said. I looked at her waiting for a response and I saw her face suddenly change and she said’ 14’. I felt my face change I went from smiling to completely shocked.
Marina’s POV
‘Um? Joe are you ok?’ I said while waving my hands in front of his face. I shouldn’t have told him. On the other hand I’d rather be truthful with him lie to his face. I got off the bed and went into the bathroom and came out with a t-shirt and jeans on. I looked around trying to find my converse but instead I found Joe with the same look on his face. Great I had to go get Nick and Kevin. I left Joe there and walked out to my bedroom into the waiting room where I saw Kevin and Nick being hounded by fans. I walked up to them and grabbed both there hands and pulled them into the room. ‘Shocked Pop star! Help Me Please’ I asked sweetly and fluttered my lashes. I heard Kevin sigh and they pushed me out and came back out with Joe smiling. I blew it over and asked them something.’ Guys how do I get home’. ‘Oh Shit’ I heard Kevin saying. I just kept looking around.’ We’ll take home’ I saw Nick smiling at me while dragging me to the car. We got it and the ride was pretty silent until I broke it.’ So what did you guys tell Joe to make him so happy’ I asked curiously as I tilted my head to the side. It turned silent until all the boys started to laugh. ‘What’? I asked defensively. I felt all there eyes on me. ‘Well’ Nick started off. ‘Go on’ I spit out.’ They promised to make me pancakes, happy’ he finished blushing.’ Seriously? ’ I giggled ‘Joe doesn’t joke when it comes to pancakes’ he said seriously. I just laughed and sat back. We were talking about everything and anything until we reached my house. I automatically asked them to come in and that they did. As I walked in I saw my mother coming down the stairs they boys were already at my fridge. I walked over to my mom and spoke to her in Portuguese.’ Mom I brought some friends over’ I said innocently while looking at her. ‘Marina!’ she began while walking into the kitchen. She stood in the door frame completely shocked.’ Mom this is Kevin, Nick and Joe.’ I blushed at the end. ‘How did this happen’. She said baffled. As I sat her down and explained everything to her the only look she had on her face was anger.’ Joe you hurt my baby?’ She said furiously.’ I-I d-dd-idn’t me-a-n too’ he stuttered scared my mother was going to hurt him.’ Mom!’ I yelled ‘chill I am fine’ I said relaxing her a bit. After everything my mom calmed down and started talking to the boys. Suddenly she looked at me with a smile on her face. I looked at her curiously. She began to smirk and I suddenly knew what she was going to do. ‘MOM DON’T’ I yelled. She looked at Joe and said’ Joe come with me I want to show you Marina’s Room’. I saw her smile as she grabbed Joe’s hand and took him up the stairs to my room. I automatically hunched down into the couch. I felt Kevin’s arm around me.’ What’s so bad about your room ’? He said. I looked up to him and then at Nick and said’ Just go up there and see ‘. They ran up the stairs I just stayed there on the couch. I waited a while they still weren’t down. I walked up the stairs to find Nick and Kevin in my brother’s bedroom talking with him. Looks like he was home. My mom was in her bedroom on the phone. I decided to go into my bedroom. I found Joe asleep on my camp rock cover holding my Joe Jonas pillow. I laughed. I closed the door quietly and walked into my brothers bedroom and all they guys were laughing and joking around. I just looked at them surprised and astonished. I was bored after the first 10 minutes of there conversation I walked out down the stairs into the living room. I layed down on the couch and my eye lids started to lightly close and I fell asleep thinking about the day with a smile on my face.
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