Status: A Fanfic. Two authors: SERENExNIGHTMARE and breakdownmydreams. On Hold

The Sun Goes Down and so Does She

Let er Ripp

.Oh, but my moment of glory was short lived. The crowed started cheering, and Oli didn't do much to calm them down.

"Ey, Yeh all want teh See a 'il Bird Growl?!" He Yelled to the crowd.

Simultaneously everyone in the room began moshing around, trying to get each other pumped. Someone tossed me a mic. Kady pushed me forward, and Oli let out a loud growl in his own mic to shush everyone up.

"Nicholls! give 'er somtin to work with!"

I stared bewildered at the crowed of angsty teens and Smirking Kady clones. Nicholls' drum beat playing in the background. Curtis began strumming random cords, then worked up a solo to were I could growl. Oli held up his fingers.

1. Deep breath, prepare yourself.

2. Remember, growl with your diaphragm. It makes it sound better, and makes it a part of you. Don't use your throat. That's serious damage. Not in good way.
OK here we go, Oli's hand is about to...

3! I Let it out. My best possible growl I could manage. I have no idea how bad I sucked but When i let that one scream out....Afterwords you could literally hear the drumsticks fall. I could feel my face redden to the breaking point. Kady laughed. Oli stared. The other guys just.....did who knows what. I couldn't see October.

Crap. What did I just do?
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I got inspired to do this randomly :)

I really wanna hear input though guys! :O

Otherwise, we see no point in writing.

I mean, i still will write, but I like a little motivation!