Status: active, i guess .

Can't Stand It

Party Pooper.

I take a sip from the red plastic cup I hold in my hand. The Vodka burns slightly as it slides down my throat, but it clears up my head and gives me an instant high.

My brown eyes scan Jack’s over-crowded living room for Brit. I had told Jack to invite Brit’s friend. . . Kelly, I think her name is, so that Brit would come as well. I knew if either Jack or I would have invited her there’s no way she’d come. But inviting her best friend Kelly, well that was the best idea I've had in a long time.

I can't seem to find her amongst all the peoplehaving sex with their clothes on dancing to some obnoxious techno song.

I’ve never pursued a girl as much as Brit. I mean, I'm Alex fucking Gaskarth! I can get any girl I want just but giving them a few meaningless compliments. Girls just seem to melt around me. But not Brit. Oh no, Brit does the complete opposite—she turns hard as stone when she’s around me, and just as cold too. No matter how many times I hit on her, tell her how hot she is, or how much I like her, she just won't warm up to me. Maybe it’s because she thinks I'm uglyyeah right. I mean, look at me. or maybe it’s because I have girls hanging all over me; whatever it is she can't stand it. And it drives me crazy!

I let out a sigh and march into the kitchen hoping to fix myself another drink. I can't believe she didn’t show! Brit Evans is a party queen. Of course the kind of parties she attends I'm not invited to because I don’t associate with those who live in a less civil part of town . . . but nonetheless, she parties a lot.

A girl with choppy brown hair wearing a white, black, and teal dress stands at the counter pouring herself a drink. My heart starts hammering in my chest and my palms become clammy. It’s Brit!.

I decide to grow a pair, man up, and march over to her and ask her for a dance. Just as soon as my left foot steps forward Brit turns around and our eyes lock. I immediately want to turn around and run in the other direction, but I can't because Brit is stumbling towards me. I can tell someone’s had too much to drink.

“Alex!” she greets me, clapping my shoulder. “Is this a good party, or what?”

Yeah, she’s definitely had too much to drink. “Um, hi Brit.”

She looks inside my cup. “I think you need another drink!”

She grabs my hand, and drags me to the counter. She takes my cup from me, places it on the counter, and starts pouring some Grey Goose in it. I'm surprised the alcohol actually made it in my cup. She hands me back my cup. “Drink up.” She starts chugging whatever’s in her cup. I do the same.

“Wooooo!” she shouts after she’s finished her drink, shaking her head. “Let’s have another one!”

I laugh lightly. “I think you’ve had enough Brit.”

She sticks her tongue out at me. I never noticed a piercing there before. “Party pooooper!”

I laugh again, feeling the alcohol dull my senses. “Sorrrrry Brit.”

A song by Jack’s Mannequin fills the house. “Oh my gosh! I love this song! Let’s go dance, Alex!”

“Why not?” I say, as she leads me towards theliving room dance floor.

I'm gonna make the most of this night while I can.
♠ ♠ ♠
Brit's dress

might re-write, I dunno o:
but the next chapter is REALLY important so stick with me.

more comments would fill me with glee :D