Status: Read.

Mutts and Men

There is nothing stopping them, the brute mutts that ravage the Earth. They attack small towns swiftly, leaving a trail of blood wherever they go.

In a small village up north, no one dares to go outside during night, or even step foot in the forest. Schools have shut down, and everyones lives have been put on hold. The city has lost all contact to the outside world, and they wait in silence for an inevitable death.

We follow Sable, a teenager who is smack dab in the middle of it all. All she wants is for life to be normal again, to hug her long lost mother and to not have to worry about death.

She is careless, and as punishment, she becomes somewhat of a house keeper to strangers that have fled and survived the ruthless attacks of the monsters. When she is near the strangers, she hears strange whispers in her head. She slowly discovers a secret that changes her life forever, and that puts her life, and the lives around her, in even more jeopardy.

She finds herself fighting for her people, her country, and for humanity. With no one to trust but herself, she embarks on a path filled with mythical creatures, cynical rulers, cold betrayal and love that stands above everything else.
  1. Chapter One
    Let's get on with it!
  2. Chapter Two: Behind His Words
    Sable meets a suspicious crew of men. One seems welcoming, but there lies a threat behind his words.
  3. Mutts and Men: Chapter 3
    Sable is pulled into something unimaginable.
  4. Mother
    The Big, blood thirsty wolf-like monsters seem unstoppable. Will Sable be able to stop the war? More importantly, will she be able to accept what has been given to her by her ancesters?
  5. Heart
  6. Running
    Sable doesn't know what to do.... what would you do if you were going to be attacked my monstrous wolves?
  7. Unanswered Questions
    Axel knows more than what he discloses.... hmm. Mysterious much???