This Can't Be Happening...Again

New School, new year

"All I want is a fresh start..." the young blonde haired boy said to himself as he got onto the bus.
He definately has been through enough betrayal in his life, and he's only 15.
On the bus sat another boy with jet black hair, listening to his iPod. As he looked out the window, his friend Brandon said, "Hey, look. It's a new kid..."
"I see that," said the black haired boy.
As he got on the bus, he scarcely looked at all the new faces. He didn't want to face them yet. Just when he was about to sit in an empty seat, Brandon yelled "Hey, new kid! Come sit back here!" He timidly walked to the back of the bus, when Brandon pushed him into Allen's seat. (The black haired boy.) Allen just smirked.
"Hi there..."
"Hey...why'd you push me?" Corey accused Brandon.
"Pshht, he told me to."
He looked behind him at Allen, who smiled down at him and said, "I did nothing of the sort, you liar. I'm Allen, btw. What's your name, Goldie Locks?" He smiled, obviously joking.
"My name's Corey..."
"Gonna sit with me from now on, Corey?"
"I-I dunno....."
"Course ya are...I hope anyways. Do you have your schedule?"
"Can I see it?" He reached between Corey's legs and grabbed his bookbag, then took out the schedule.
"Sure..." he replied, annoyed he just took it.
"Hey, we have all our classes together!"
Brandon laughed and said, "Good luck, kid."
At that point, Corey had no clue what he meant by that.

-1st period-
Study Hall

Corey walked into class and sat down. Allen sat down next to him.
"Heya Goldie Locks. Findin' your way around okay?"
"...Yeah, but my name's Corey...not Goldie Locks."
"That's too bad...I always liked that book."
He looked at him suspiciously, then gave up on his meaning. "I hate Goldie Locks," I muttered.
Allen shrugged. "Whatever."
Corey was silent for the whole period, especially considering no one had any homework to do. It was the first day of school.

-2nd period-

Allen walked beside him. "We have all the same classes," he said, laughing. "What're the chances?"
"Yeah, really..." Corey mumbled.
In science, they sat next to eachother, but Corey wasn't paying attention to the teacher at all. He just kept watchin Allen's hand. He was tapping a beat on the desk the whole class.
After class, he asked him. "Was that the beat to Not Meant To Be by Theory of a Deadman?"
"Yeah." He smiled. "You like them?"
"I play the drums, and that drum part has been stuck in my head all day."
Allen sighed. "Cool..."

-3rd period-

"Who can solve this equation?" The teacher asked. He gave the marker to Corey. "What about you?"
He blinked. "Yeah, I can..."
Mr. Kearson said, "Then do it."
He stood up and solved it easily. "It's simple..."
Everyone stared. Allen smiled.
Mr. Kearson was smiling too. "Thank you Lord, someone understands math this year instead of just Allen!"
The whole class laughed.
Except for Corey.
He stayed quiet the rest of class once again.

-4th period-
Second Study Hall

Absolute silence. Mrs. Mongomery was mad about something, and she made the whole class stay quiet. Allen passed Corey a note.

It read:

Are you okay? You seem kind of sad today...W/b.

He wrote back:

I'm fine.

And that was it.


"Corey, cheer up! You're so depressed." He patted his back.
Corey flinched. He hated anyone touching him. "I'm not depressed, I'm tired."
And he finished lunch.

-6th period-
Social Studies

The teacher, Mrs. Carlson, gave everyone a map. She told everyone to lable the continents, and then they could do whatever they wanted. That's what they did.

-7th period-
Language Arts

Ms. Anderson gave everyone a piece of paper and asked them all to draw a picture of someone they loved, and on the back they had to write why. Allen's picture looked a lot like Corey, but he never even looked at it. On the back he wrote:

I love him, and I just met him. I don't know why, and I don't care. All I know is...He'll find out eventually.

They didn't have to turn them in, but he kept it.

-8th period-

"Hola, Clase!" Mrs. Rodriguez said, speaking spanish. "Como estas?" She said she was going to try and go the whole year only talking in spanish. No one understood what she said at any time, even with her motioning it out.

-End of Day-

Corey was exhausted. He slumped into his seat on the bus, which Allen managed to convince the bus driver to assign Corey's seat with him in the back of the bus.
Allen got on shortly afterward.
"Hey Goldie Locks. Still tired?"
"...Yeah," he answered.
Allen took off his jacket and gave it to him.
He looked at it confused.
"Here..." He folded it up and put by Corey's head. "It's a pillow."
Corey took it thankfully and layed his head against the window. "Thank you..." He fell asleep.
Allen kissed his cheek and whispered, "Sweet dreams..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Phew! First Chapter's long! It was short....but I couldn't help it, I had to add more! Muahahaha! Comment plz! =]